Invited Lecture

  1.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    文部科学省科学研究費新学術領域研究 元素ブロック高分子材料の創出 第六回公開シンポジウム, 京都府京都市 (メルパルク京都), domestic
    2015, 7.2. (7.2.)

  2.     [oral, invited, 特別企画講演]
    笹森貴裕; 宮本久; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.30.)

  3.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第16回京大有機金属化学若手勉強会, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学化学研究所), domestic
    2013, 12.14. (12.14.)

  4.     [oral, invited]
    "Chemistry of Double-bond Compounds between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 1st International Symposium for Young Chemists (2nd International Symposium), Stimuli-responsive Chemical Species for the Creation of Functional Molecules, Tokyo, Japan (TOKO HOTEL), international
    2013, 12.2-3. (12.2)

  5.     [oral, invited, ショートトーク]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第17回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 神奈川県足柄下郡 (箱根湯本温泉ホテルおかだ), domestic 
    2013, 10.25-26. (10.25.)

  6.     [oral, invited, 特別企画講演]
    "構造解析上で注意すべき点 (2)―実体験に基づいた問題点と解決法―"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.25.)

  7.     [oral, invited]
    "New Redox Systems Containing Heavier Main Group Elements"
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    MDF Workshop -Open-shell Organic Molecules -Synthesis and Electronic Structure Freedom, Osaka, Japan (Umeda Sky Buildong), international
    2011, 10.7-8. (10.7.)

  8.     [Invited, oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Kinetically Stabilized 1,2-Diaryl-1,2-dihydrodisilenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyoto Univ., IMS)
    presenter: Tokitoh, N.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  9.     [oral, invited]
    "New reactivity of a 1,2-diaryldisilyne, the first carbon-substituted disilyne"
    Han, J. S.; Hironaka, K.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.17.)

  10.     [oral, invited, ケイ素化学協会奨励賞 受賞講演]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第14回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 静岡県熱海市 (ニューウェルシティ湯河原), domestic
    2010, 11.19-20. (11.20.)

  11.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第159回化学コロキウム, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2010, 9.15. (9.15.)

  12.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第42回構造有機若手の会, 京都府京都市 (ホテル本能寺), domestic
    2010, 8.6-8. (8.8.)

  13.     [oral, invited, 日本化学会進歩賞 受賞講演]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  14.     [oral, invited]
    "高周期14族元素間多重結合の化学 ~重いアルケン、アセチレン~"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    静岡大学サイエンス月間 気鋭若手研究者によるワークショップ「元素は踊る! 錯体化学と有機元素化学のニューフロンティア」, 静岡県静岡市 (静岡大学理学部), domestic
    2010, 3.15. (3.15.)

  15.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    理学研究流動機構シンポジウム「元素化学の可能性」, 東京都目黒区 (東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス), domestic
    2009, 12.4. (12.4.)

  16.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Novel Rhodium Complexes Bearing a Schiff‐base Type N, P‐Chelating Ligands"
    Sasamori, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    12th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-12), Goa, India (Holiday Inn Resort, Goa), international
    2009, 8.16-21. (8.19.)

  17.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    有機金属若手研究者の会, 東京都新宿区 (東京理科大学), domestic
    2009, 3.26. (3.26.)

  18.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    愛媛大学 応用化学セミナー, 愛媛県松山市 (愛媛大学), domestic
    2008, 8.1. (8.1.)

  19.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第43回有機反応若手の会, 大阪府堺市 (ホテルサンルート堺), domestic
    2008, 7.9-11. (7.9.)

  20.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and properties of stable 2-metallanaphthalenes of heavier group 14 elements"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Furukawa, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Waseda Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    Dalton Discussion 11: The Renaissance of Main Group Chemistry, Berkeley, USA (**), international
    2008, 6.23-25. (6.24.)

  21.     [oral, invited]
    "Redox Behavior and Coordination Chemistry of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatics and Related Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.2.)

  22.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    近畿化学協会 ヘテロ原子部会平成19年度第3回懇話会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪科学技術センター), domestic
    2008, 2.12. (2.12.)

  23.     [oral, invited]
    "Chemistry of Low-coordinated Species of Heavier Group 15 Elements "
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2007 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Saitama, Japan (RIKEN), international
    2007, 11.8-9. (11.9.)

  24.     [oral, invited]
    武田亘弘; 田邊太郎; 松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (群馬大院工・京大化研)
    presenter: 武田亘弘
    第57回錯体化学討論会 シンポジウムー新しい結合が切り拓く無機金属化学ー, 愛知県名古屋市 (**), domestic
    2007, 9.25-27. (**)

  25.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第40回有機金属若手の会 夏の学校, 茨城県つくば市 (つくばグランドホテル), domestic
    2007, 7.9-11. (**)

  26.     [oral, invited, plenary]
    "Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Multiply Bonded Germanium and Tin Compounds"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tajima, T.; Inamura, K.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  27.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and Characterization of the First Stable Stannanetellone"
    Tokitoh, N.; Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.27.)

  28.     [oral, invited]
    "高周期15 族元素間二重結合化合物の一電子還元"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    特定領域研究「元素相乗系化合物の化学」第二回公開シンポジウム, 福岡県福岡市 (九州大学), domestic
    2007, 6.21-22. (6.21.)

  29.     [oral, invited, 京大化研奨励賞 受賞講演]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第106回化学研究所研究発表会, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2006, 12.15. (12.15.)

  30.     [oral, invited]
    "Syntheses and Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Novel Tin-carbon Double-bond Compounds"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2nd International symposium of core-to-core program on Main Group Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo Univ.), international
    2006, 8.26-28. (**)

  31.     [oral, invited]
    "Recent progress in the chemistry of kinetically stabilized disilenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    ACS Central Regional Meeting and 39th Silicon Symposium, Michigan, USA (**), international
    2006, 5.16-20. (**)

  32.     [oral, invited]
    "New aspects in the chemistry of kinetically stabilized dipnictenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyoto Univ., IMS.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  33.     [oral, invited]
    "Some Unique Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds with Haloalkanes and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XIV), Würzburg, Germany (**), international
    2005, 7.31.-8.5. (**)

  34.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    文部科学省ナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクト「分子・物質総合合成・解析支援グループ」成果発表会「分子・物質に視点をおいたナノテクノロジー・ナノサイエンスIII」, 愛知県岡崎市 (自然科学研究機構岡崎コンファレンスセンター), domestic
    2005, 3.22-23. (**)

  35.     [oral, invited, BCSJ賞受賞依頼講演]
    笹森貴裕; 新居欣三; 武田亘弘; 岡崎廉治; 古川行夫; 木村将浩; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・東大院理・早大理工・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第82秋季年会, 大阪府豊中市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2002, 9.25-28. (9.25.)

  36.     [oral, invited]
    "A Novel Small-ring Systems Containing a Germanium Atom, Germacyclopropabenzene: Synthesis, Structure, and Its Reactivity"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sasaki, T.; Hatano, K.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyoto Univ., Kyushu Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry IX, Fukuoka, Japan (**), international
    2001, 11.27-30. (**)

  37.     [oral, invited]
    "Syntheses and Reactions of Novel Cyclic Polychalcogenides Containing a Heavier Main Group Element"
    Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N.; Arai, Y.; Okazaki, R. (Kyoto Univ., The Univ. of Tokyo)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  38.     [oral, invited]
    "Stable Group 15: Group 15 Element Double-bond Compounds Containing Antimony and Bismuth"
    Okazaki, R.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Japan Womem's Univ., The Univ. of Tolyo, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: R. Okazaki
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

International Conference

  1.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of 1,2-Digermacyclobutene Derivatives and Their Reactions with Ethylene"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugahara, T.; Agou, T.; Sugamata, K.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.30.)

  2.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Structure of a Stable 1,2-Digermabenzene"
    Sugahara, T.; Sasamori, T.; Agou, T.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sugahara
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.27.)

  3.     [poster]
    "Reactions of a Barrelene-type Dialumane Bearing Bulky Aryl Substituents with Lewis Bases"
    Nagata, K.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Nagata
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.27.)

  4.     [oral]
    "Reactivities of a Barrelene-type Dialumane as a Equivalent of an Al=Al Doubly-bonded Species "
    Agou, T.; Nagata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Agou
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.27.)

  5.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Properties of a Dialmane Featuring a Barrelene-type Scaffold"
    Tokitoh, N.; Nagata, K.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.18.)

  6.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Structure of Organo-Telluranyl Dication Having Biphenylene Ligands"
    Sato, S.; Mizukami, M.; Aihoshi, M.; Fukui, T.; Nomura, K.; Sugamata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: S. Sato
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.18.)

  7.     [poster]
    "Complexation of Triphospha[3]radialene as a Transition Metal Ligand"
    Hirano, K.; Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Hirano
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  8.     [poster]
    "Generation of Chlorogermylene and Chlorogermylenoid Bearing a Bulky Ferrocenyl Group"
    Suzuki, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Suzuki
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  9.     [oral]
    "Reactivity of Diaryldigermynes with Alkenes and Alkynes"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugahara, T.; Agou, T.; Sugamata, K.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  10.     [poster]
    "Attempted Synthesis of Silyl-substituted Phosphasilenes"
    Nesterov, V.; Kyri, A.; Heurich, T.; Wasano, T.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N.; Streubel, R. (Kyoto Univ., Bonn Univ.)
    presenter: V. Nesterov
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  11.     [oral]
    "Reactivities of Stable Diaryldibromodisilenes "
    Sasamori, T.; Agou, T.; Han, J. S.; Hironaka, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 17th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVII), Berlin, Germany (the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), international
    2014, 8.3-8 (8.5)

  12.     [oral]
    Tokitoh, N.; Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    26th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-26), Istanbul, Turkey (ITU SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL CULTURAL CENTER / İSTANBUL), international
    2014, 8.24-29. (8.26)

  13.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Stannabenzenes Stabilized by Bulky Substituents"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Kanesato, S.; Noda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC 2014), Sapporo, Japan (Royton Sapporo (Hotel)), international
    2014, 6.13-18 (6.15)

  14.     [poster]
    "Syntheses, Structures, and Properties of Stable Alumoles"
    Wasano, T.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 4th International Conference on MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis & ICOMC 2014 Pre-symposium in Kyoto "Synthetic Approaches to New Chemical Functions", Uji, Kyoto, Japan ( Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University), international
    2014, 6.10-11. (6.11)

  15.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Sasamori, T.; Miyake, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    International Symposium on Polymeric Materials Based on Element-Blocks, Uji, Kyoto, Japan (60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology), international
    2014, 5.31. (5.31.)

  16.     [poster]
    "Attempted Synthesis of a Selenium-substituted Phosphenium Cation"
    Sugamata, K.; Villalba-Franco, J.-M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The International Symposium Organized by Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (ICRIS' 14), Uji, Kyoto, Japan (Obaku plaza, Kyoto Univ.), international
    2014, 3.10.-12. (3.10.)

  17.     [poster]
    "Electron Distibution Analysis of Hexaaryltellurium(VI)"
    Minoura, M.; Hashizume, D.; Nagase, S.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Rikkyo Univ., RIKEN, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The International Symposium Organized by Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (ICRIS' 14), Uji, Kyoto, Japan (Obaku plaza, Kyoto Univ.), international
    2014, 3.10.-12. (3.10.)

  18.     [poster]
    "Attempted Synthesis of a Selenium-substituted Phosphenium Cation"
    Sugamata, K.; Villalba-Franco, J.-M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The 3rd International Conference on MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan (Nishijin plaza, Kyushu Univ.), international
    2014, 1.10.-11. (1.10.)

  19.     [oral, invited]
    "Chemistry of Double-bond Compounds between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 1st International Symposium for Young Chemists (2nd International Symposium), Stimuli-responsive Chemical Species for the Creation of Functional Molecules, Tokyo, Japan (TOKO HOTEL), international
    2013, 12.2-3. (12.2)

  20.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and NICS(0)πzz Examination of the 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene Dianion"
    Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Wu, J. I.-C.; Schleyer, P. v. R.; Daisuke, H.; Ko, F.; Tokitoha, N. (Kyoto Univ., Univ. of Georgia, RIKEN, Niigata Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyake
    15th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-15), Taipei, Taiwan (Howard Civil Service International House), international
    2013, 7.28-8.2. (8.1.)

  21.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Study on a Novel [2]Ferrocenophane Bridged by a Digermene Unit"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    14th International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and Lead​ (GTL 2013), Nova Scotia, Canada (Inverary Resort), international
    2013, 7.14-19. (7.16.)

  22.     [oral]
    "Ferrocenyl-substituted Digermene"
    Sasamori, T.; Miyamoto, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    14th International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and Lead​ (GTL 2013), Nova Scotia, Canada (Inverary Resort), international
    2013, 7.14-19. (7.15.)

  23.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Thermal Isomerization of Stable 1,2-Dihydrodisilene"
    Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Sakai, H.; Furukawa, Y.; Guo, J.-D.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (KIST, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Agou
    4th Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Tsukuba International Congress Center), international
    2012, 10.21-24. (10.22.)

  24.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Study on Novel Ferrocenophanes Bridged by a Dimetallene Unit"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyamoto
    4th Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Tsukuba International Congress Center), international
    2012, 10.21-24. (10.22.)

  25.     [poster]
    "Instant Silylene: LiBr-Assisted Generation of a Silylene from a Disilene"
    Han, J. S.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (KIST, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: J. S. Han
    4th Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Tsukuba International Congress Center), international
    2012, 10.21-24. (10.22.)

  26.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Properties of 1-Phospha-2-boraacenaphthene"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Wakamiya, A.; Nagura, K.; Irle, S.; Yamaguchi, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Nagoya Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-13), Victoria, Canada (Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa), international
    2012, 7.29-8.2. (7.31)

  27.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of 1,2:3,4-Bis(ferrocene-1,1’-diyl)tetragermetane and its Photochemical Reaction"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyamoto
    The 13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-13), Victoria, Canada (Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa), international
    2012, 7.29-8.2. (7.30)

  28.     [poster]
    "Generation of Tellurenyl Cation Species (RTe+): Structures and Properties of Tellurophenium Salts"
    Sugamata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The 13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-13), Victoria, Canada (Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa), international
    2012, 7.29-8.2. (7.30)

  29.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of a First Stable Bis(ferrocenyl)diphosphene Derivative Bearing Bulky Ferrocenyl Units"
    Sakagami, M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: M. Sakagami
    19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Conference center "De Doelen"), international
    2012, 7.8-12. (7.10.)

  30.     [poster]
    "Reactivity of 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyake
    19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Conference center "De Doelen"), international
    2012, 7.8-12. (7.9.)

  31.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of the First Stable Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Sasamori, T.; Miyake, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Conference center "De Doelen"), international
    2012, 7.8-12. (7.9.)

  32.     [poster]
    "Chalcogenation Reactions of 1-Phospha-2-boraacenaphthene"
    Tsurusaki, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Tsurusaki
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  33.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Stable 1,2-Dihydrodisilenes and Elucidation of Their Thermal Isomerization Machanism"
    Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Hashizume, D.; Sakai, H.; Furukawa, Y.; Takagi, N.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Waseda Univ., IMS.)
    presenter: T. Agou
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.22.)

  34.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Stable Bis(ferrocenyl)diphosphene Derivative Bearing Bulky Ferrocenyl Units"
    Sakagami, M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: M. Sakagami
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.22.)

  35.     [poster]
    "Generation of Tellurenyl Cation Species (RTe+) Bearing a Bulky Substituent"
    Sugamata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Suugamata
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  36.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of a Stable 1,2-Bis(ferrocenyl)digermene"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyamoto
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  37.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyake
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  38.     [oral, invited]
    "New Redox Systems Containing Heavier Main Group Elements"
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    MDF Workshop -Open-shell Organic Molecules -Synthesis and Electronic Structure Freedom, Osaka, Japan (Umeda Sky Buildong), international
    2011, 10.7-8. (10.7.)

  39.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Studies of a Stable 1-Fluoro-2-hydrosilene"
    Mieda, E.; Sasamori, T.; Sase, S.; Goto, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    presenter: Mieda, E.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  40.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Stable 1,2-Bis(ferrocenyl)digermene"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Miyamoto, H.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.15.)

  41.     [oral]
    "Reactivity of Stable 1,2-Diaryldisilyne"
    Sasamori, T.; Han, J. S.; J.-D., G.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., IMS)
    presenter: Sasamori, T.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  42.     [Invited, oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Kinetically Stabilized 1,2-Diaryl-1,2-dihydrodisilenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyoto Univ., IMS)
    presenter: Tokitoh, N.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  43.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of 1-Phospha-2-boraacenaphthene Bearing Bulky Substituent"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Wakamiya, A.; Yamaguchi, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Nagoya Univ.)
    presenter: Sasamori, T.
    The 1st International Conference on MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis -Advanced Chemical Methodology for Creating Materials - 2010-2016 MEXT Project, Sapporo, Hokkaido (Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido Univ.), international
    2011, 1.24-25. (1.24.)

  44.     [oral]
    "Asymmetric synthesis of multi-substituted β-lactams from α-amino acids via memory of chirality using a Cs2CO3/EtOH system"
    Yoshimura, T.; Takuwa, M.; Uyama, M.; Hayashi, K.; Monguchi, D.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N.; Kawabara, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Yoshimura
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Honolulu I), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.15.)

  45.     [oral, invited]
    "New reactivity of a 1,2-diaryldisilyne, the first carbon-substituted disilyne"
    Han, J. S.; Hironaka, K.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.17.)

  46.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and properties of stable 1,2-bis(metallocenyl)dimetallenes as novel d-π electron systems"
    Sasamori, T.; Yuasa, A.; Miyamoto, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Rainbow I), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.16.)

  47.     [oral]
    "Attempted Synthesis of Ditelluride Dication Species"
    Sasamori, T.; Suagamata, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    11th International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (ICCST-11), Oulu, Finland (the Conference Center Lasaretti), international
    2010, 8.1-6. (8.3.)

  48.     [oral]
    "Chalcogenation of 1,2-Bis(Ferrocenyl)Disilene: the First Isolation of 1,2,3,4-Dithiadisiletane"
    Tokitoh, N.; Yuasa, A.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    24th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-24), Firenze, Italy (Polo Scienze Sociali), international
    2010, 7.25-30. (7.27)

  49.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of 9-Anthryldiphosphene"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 12th Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry (KISPOC-12), Fukuoka, Japan (Kyushu University), international
    2009, 12.15-18. (12.16.)

  50.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of a Stable 9-Anthryldiphosphene"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 11th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-11), Kyoto, Japan (Rihga Royal Hotel, Kyoto, JAPAN), international
    2009, 11.9-13 (11.10.)

  51.     [poster]
    Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Yuasa, A.; Kaneko, Y.; Niwa, M.; Miyamoto, H.; Hori, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 4th International Symposium for Young Elements Chemists: 2009 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan (Kyushu University), international
    2009, 10.28-29. (10.28)

  52.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Novel Rhodium Complexes Bearing a Schiff‐base Type N, P‐Chelating Ligands"
    Sasamori, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    12th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-12), Goa, India (Holiday Inn Resort, Goa), international
    2009, 8.16-21. (8.19.)

  53.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Novel d-π Electron Systems Containing Heavier Main Group Elements "
    Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Yuasa, A.; Kaneko, Y.; Niwa, M.; Miyamoto, H.; Hori, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 3rd International Symposium on Synergy of Elements, Sapporo, Japan (Hokkaido University Conference Hall), international
    2009, 8.29. (8.29.)

  54.     [poster]
    "Syntheses and Properties of Novel Rhodium Complexes with Monovalent Bidentate Ligands Bearing (a) Low-coordinated Phosphorus Atom(s)"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.-7.3.)

  55.     [poster]
    "Studies on the Synthesis of 1,2-Diarylsilyne Bearing a Bulky Substituent"
    Mieda, E.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: E. Mieda
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.-7.3.)

  56.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of an Overcrowded 9-Anthryldiphosphene"
    Tsurusaki, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Tsurusaki
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.-7.3.)

  57.     [oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of 1,2-Bis(metallocenyl)disilenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Yuasa, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.4.)

  58.     [oral]
    "Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivities of Stable Carbon-substituted Disilyne and Digermyne Derivatives"
    Tokitoh, N.; Hironaka, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.)

  59.     [poster]
    "Design and Syntheses of a Novel Iminophosphido Ligand and Its Complexation Reaction"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    10th KAIST-KYOTO Chemistry Symposium (First KAIST-KYOTO-TSING HUA Chemistry Symposium), Daejeon, Korea (**), international
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  60.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of 1,2-Bis(metallocenyl)disilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Yuasa, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    第5回集積型合成国際シンポジウム(ISIS-5), Kobe, Hyogo (Maiko Villa), international
    2008, 9.5-6. (9.6.)

  61.     [poster]
    "4,5-Bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)-1,2,3-triazole: A Cross-Linking Ligand Forming Multinuclear Metal Complexes by Nitrogen Donors"
    Mukai, H.; Maruyama, Y.; Minami, A.; Sohrin, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Mukai
    2008, 8.24-28. (8.25.)

  62.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Transition-metal Complexes with a Novel β-Ketophosphenato Ligand"
    Sasamori, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    23rd International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC2008), Rennes, France (Rennes Univ.), international
    2008, 7.13-18. (7.17.)

  63.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and properties of stable 2-metallanaphthalenes of heavier group 14 elements"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Furukawa, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Waseda Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    Dalton Discussion 11: The Renaissance of Main Group Chemistry, Berkeley, USA (**), international
    2008, 6.23-25. (6.24.)

  64.     [poster]
    "Structure, Properties, and Reactivities of The First Stable 1,2-Bis(ferrocenyl)disilene"
    Yuasa, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Yuasa
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.3.)

  65.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Characterization of 1-Hydrosilene"
    Ozaki, S.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: S. Ozaki
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.3.)

  66.     [oral, invited]
    "Redox Behavior and Coordination Chemistry of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatics and Related Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.2.)

  67.     [oral]
    Sasamori, T.; Hironaka, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.2.)

  68.     [poster]
    "Reactions of the First Stable 1,1´-Bis[(E)-diphosphenyl]ferrocene with Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    “International Center for Integrated Research and Advanced Education in Materials Science” The 9th Youngnam-Kinki Joint Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2008, 1.25. (1.25.)

  69.     [oral, invited]
    "Chemistry of Low-coordinated Species of Heavier Group 15 Elements "
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2007 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Saitama, Japan (RIKEN), international
    2007, 11.8-9. (11.9.)

  70.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Stable Dibromodisilene, Dihydrodisilene, and 1-Hydrosilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Ozaki, S.; Hironaka, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    第一回アジアケイ素化学会議(1st Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-1), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan (Hotel Zao-Heights, Zao Town, Miyagi ), international
    2007, 11.1-3. (11.1.)

  71.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a New Heterocyclic System: a Diselenadisiletane Bearing Ferrocenyl Units"
    Yuasa, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Yuasa
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  72.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Anthryldiphosphene Derivatives by Taking Advantage of Steric Protection and Their Properties"
    Tsurusaki, A.; Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Tsurusaki
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  73.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Unique Low-coordinated Organo-silicon Compounds: Hydrosilene, Dihydrodisilene and Dibromodisilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Ozaki, S.; Sugiyama, Y.; Hironaka, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  74.     [poster]
    "Generation of a 1-Hydrosilene Bearing a Bulky Substituent and Its Unique [6+6] Dimerization"
    Ozaki, S.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: S. Ozaki
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  75.     [poster]
    "Kinetically Stabilized 1,1´-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocenes"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  76.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Rhodium Complexes Having a Novel β-Ketophosphenato Ligand"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  77.     [poster]
    "Elucidation of the Redox Behavior of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  78.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Stable Platinum Complexes Bearing Overcrowded Primary Phosphine Ligands"
    Kawai, M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: M. Kawai
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.13.)

  79.     [oral]
    "Some Unique Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Metallaaromatic Compounds of Heavier Group 14 Elements"
    Tokitoh, N.; Mizuhata, Y.; Inamura, K.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.13.)

  80.     [poster]
    "Redox Behavior of Kinetically Stabilized Dipnictenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 2nd International Conference on Joint Project of Chemical Synthesis Core Research Institutions, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2007, 8.7. (8.7.)

  81.     [poster]
    "Ligand Exchange Reactions of a Kinetically Stabilized 1,1´-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocene with Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 14th IUPAC Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOC14) Nara, Japan (**), international
    2007, 8.2-6. (**)

  82.     [poster]
    "Redox Behavior of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    The 12nd International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-12) Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (**), international
    2007, 7.22-27. (**)

  83.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of the First Stable 9-Germaphenanthrene "
    Inamura, K.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Inamura
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  84.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Properties of the First Stable 2-Stannanaphthalene"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  85.     [oral, invited, plenary]
    "Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Multiply Bonded Germanium and Tin Compounds"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tajima, T.; Inamura, K.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  86.     [poster]
    "Structures of 1,8-Bis(selanyl)-,1-Selanyl-,8-Seleninyl-, and 1,8-Bis(seleninyl)-naphthalenes in Solid States"
    Hayashi, S.; Furuta, A.; Nakanishi, W.; Potrzebowski, M. J.; Ciesielski, W.; Drabowicz, J.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Wakayama Univ., Polish Academy of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.26.)

  87.     [oral]
    "Selenization and Tellurization Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Dipnictenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Tsurusaki, A.; Nagahora, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.23.)

  88.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and Characterization of the First Stable Stannanetellone"
    Tokitoh, N.; Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.27.)

  89.     [poster]
    "Application of a Kinetically Stabilized 1,1´-(E,E)-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocene as a Bidentate Ligand toward Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    2006 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto Univ.), international
    2006, 12.1-2. (12.1.)

  90.     [poster]
    "Syntheses of 2-Germa- and 2-Stannanaphthalene–chromium Complexes and Their Properties"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    2006 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto Univ.), international
    2006, 12.1-2. (12.1.)

  91.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of a Kinetically Stabilized Digermyne"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2006 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto Univ.), international
    2006, 12.1-2. (12.1.)

  92.     [poster]
    "Reactions of a Kinetically Stabilized 1,1’-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocene with Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 10th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2006, 11.13-17. (**)

  93.     [poster]
    "Systematic Elucidation of the Properties of 2-Metallanaphthalene Systems of Heavier Group 14 Elements (Si, Ge, and Sn)"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    The 10th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2006, 11.13-17. (**)

  94.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Reactions of A Kinetically Stabilized Digermyne"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 10th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2006, 11.13-17. (**)

  95.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Hydrosilene and Dihydrodisilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Ozaki, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2nd International symposium of core-to-core program on Main Group Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo Univ.), international
    2006, 8.26-28. (**)

  96.     [oral, invited]
    "Syntheses and Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Novel Tin-carbon Double-bond Compounds"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2nd International symposium of core-to-core program on Main Group Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo Univ.), international
    2006, 8.26-28. (**)

  97.     [poster]
    Nagahora, N.; Tsurusaki, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  98.     [poster]
    Tajima, T.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  99.     [poster]
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  100.     [oral]
    "AIM ANALYSIS OF EXTENDED HYPERVALENT C2Z2O 5c–6e IN 1,8-(MeZ)2C14H6O2 AND 9-MeO-1,8-(MeZ)2C14H7 (Z = Se, S, O)"
    Nakanishi, W.; Hayashi, S.; Nakamoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Wakayama Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: W. Nakanishi
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  101.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Neutral Stannaaromatic Compounds"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    The 11th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRISXI), Oulu, Finland (**), international
    2006, 7.30.-8.4. (**)

  102.     [oral, invited]
    "Recent progress in the chemistry of kinetically stabilized disilenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    ACS Central Regional Meeting and 39th Silicon Symposium, Michigan, USA (**), international
    2006, 5.16-20. (**)

  103.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and structure of a stable 1,3-dihydro-2-ferrocenyltriphosphane and its thermal decomposition giving a ferrocenyl diphosphene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  104.     [oral, invited]
    "New aspects in the chemistry of kinetically stabilized dipnictenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyoto Univ., IMS.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  105.     [poster]
    "Kinetically stabilized tintellurium doublebond compound: Synthesis, structure and reactivities"
    Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  106.     [poster]
    "Extended hypervalent C-Z---O---Z-C (Z = O, S and Se) 5c-6e bonds in anthraquinone system: Structural, spectroscopic and theoretical investigations"
    Nakamoto, T.; Hayashi, S.; Nakanishi, W.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Wakayama Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Nakamoto
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  107.     [oral]
    "Reactions of kinetically stabilized doubly-bonded systems between heavier group 15 elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  108.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of an Overcrowded 1,3-Dihydrotriphosphane and Its Thermolysis Leading to the Formation of the Corresponding Diphophene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 11th Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan (**), international
    2005, 9.12-15. (**)

  109.     [oral]
    "Generation of a Borylsilyl Anion, a Novel Boron-Containing Organosilicon Compound"
    Takeda, N.; Kajiwara, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XIV), Würzburg, Germany (**), international
    2005, 7.31.-8.5. (**)

  110.     [oral, invited]
    "Some Unique Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds with Haloalkanes and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XIV), Würzburg, Germany (**), international
    2005, 7.31.-8.5. (**)

  111.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of 9-Stannnaphenanthrene by Taking Advantage of Steric Protection"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  112.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a Dibromodigermene Derivative Bearing Bulky Substituents and Its Properties"
    Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Sugiyama
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  113.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Pd, Rh, and Ir Complexes Bearing a Novel Bulky Polythioether Ligand"
    Shimizu, D.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: D. Shimizu
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  114.     [poster]
    "Stable Bis(metallacyclopropa)benzenes of Heavier Group 14 Elements"
    Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  115.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of 9-Silaanthracene with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons"
    Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Shinohara
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  116.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Boron-stabilized Silyl Anions: Experimental and Theoretical Study"
    Kajiwara, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Kajiwara
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  117.     [poster]
    "The First Stable 1,3-Dihydrotriphosphane: Synthesis, Structure, and Thermolysis"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  118.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Low-valent Titanium Complexes Bearing an Extremely Bulky β-Diketiminato Ligand"
    Hamaki, H.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Hamaki
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  119.     [poster]
    "Generation of 9-Stannaphenanthrene Bearing a Bulky Substituent"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  120.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a Novel Polythioether Ligand Bearing Bulky Substituents and It’s Application to the Synthesis of Late Transition Metal Complexes"
    Shimizu, D.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: D. Shimizu
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  121.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a Dibromodigermene Derivative Utilizing Kinetic Stabilization and Its Properties "
    Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Sugiyama
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  122.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Reactions of the First Borylsilyl Anion"
    Kajiwara, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Kajiwara
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  123.     [poster]
    "Structure and Reactivity of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Species"
    Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Shinohara
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  124.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Redox Properties of a Kinetically Stabilized Ferrocenyl Diphosphene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  125.     [oral]
    "Generation and Reactions of Overcrowded Dimetallastannane Derivatives"
    Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  126.     [oral]
    "Systematic Studies on Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Doubly Bonded Systems of Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  127.     [oral]
    "New Aspect in the Chemistry of Metallaaromatics of Heavier Group 14 Elements (含高周期14族元素芳香族化合物の化学の新展開)"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shinohara, A.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry (第12回有機金属および配位化学に関する日韓合同シンポジウム), Sendai, Japan (**), international
    2004, 8.3-6. (**)

  128.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of Silylboranes by the Reactions of a Bulky Silylene with Boron Compounds and Their Application to the Synthesis of a Borylsilyl Anion"
    Takeda, N.; Kajiwara, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates & Unusual Molecules, Queensland, Australia (**), international
    2004, 7.17-23. (**)

  129.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of Polythioethers Tethered with Bulky Aryl Groups and Their Complexation with Late-transition Metals"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shimizu, D.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    21st International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-21), Madrid, Spain (**), international
    2004, 7.4-9. (**)

  130.     [poster]
    "Reactions of an overcrowded Germacyclopropabenzene with Metal Carbonyl Comolexes"
    Tajima, T.; Sasaki, T.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    XI International Conference On the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry Of Germanium, Tin and Lead, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA (**), international
    2004, 6.27.-7.2. (**)

  131.     [oral]
    "The Latest Frontiers of Organoelement Chemistry"
    Tokitoh, N.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 3rd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2004, 1.9-10. (**)

  132.     [poster]
    "Studies on Reactivities of Doubly Bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements toward Elemental Chalcogens"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 3rd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2004, 1.9-10. (**)

  133.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Novel Ferrocenyl-substituted Diphosphene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 3rd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2004, 1.9-10. (**)

  134.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Kinetically Stabilized Heavier Dipnictenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Yamasaki, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 9th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-9), kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2003, 11.10-14. (**)

  135.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Study on Boron-Stabilized Silyl Anions Utilizing Novel Functionalized Silylboranes "
    Kajiwara, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Kajiwara
    The 10th Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan (Kyushu University), international
    2003, 9.30-10.3. (**)

  136.     [poster]
    "Systematic Studies on Doubly Bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 2nd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science" “Highly Selective Synthesis and Materials Science”, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2003, 1.10-11. (**)

  137.     [poster]
    "Chalcogenation Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Doubly-bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur XX (ISOCS XX), Arizona, USA (Arizona Univ.), international
    2002, 7.14-22. (**)

  138.     [oral, invited]
    "A Novel Small-ring Systems Containing a Germanium Atom, Germacyclopropabenzene: Synthesis, Structure, and Its Reactivity"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sasaki, T.; Hatano, K.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyoto Univ., Kyushu Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry IX, Fukuoka, Japan (**), international
    2001, 11.27-30. (**)

  139.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Reactions of the First Stable Phosphabismuthene, a Novel Compound with PhosphorusBismuth Double Bond"
    Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Kyushu Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    XVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Sendai, Japan (**), international
    2001, 7.29.-8.3. (**)

  140.     [oral]
    "Systematic Studies on Homo- and Heteronuclear Doubly Bonded Compounds of Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    XVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Sendai, Japan (**), international
    2001, 7.29.-8.3. (**)

  141.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Structures of the First Stable 1,2-Chalcogenagermetes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sasaki, T.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The sixth International Conferece on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-6), Lodz, Poland (**), international
    2001, 6.22-27. (**)

  142.     [oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivities of the First Stable Metallacyclopropabenzenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sasaki, T.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 10th Japan-Korea Joint symposium on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry, Tsukuba, Japan (**), international
    2001, 6.19-22. (**)

  143.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Novel Heteronuclear Double Bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements and Their Properties"
    Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The First Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2001, 1.26-27. (1.26.)

  144.     [poster]
    "A Novel Class of Heteronuclear Doubly Bonded Compounds between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  145.     [oral, invited]
    "Syntheses and Reactions of Novel Cyclic Polychalcogenides Containing a Heavier Main Group Element"
    Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N.; Arai, Y.; Okazaki, R. (Kyoto Univ., The Univ. of Tokyo)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  146.     [oral, invited]
    "Stable Group 15: Group 15 Element Double-bond Compounds Containing Antimony and Bismuth"
    Okazaki, R.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Japan Womem's Univ., The Univ. of Tolyo, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: R. Okazaki
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  147.     [poster]
    "Novel Disproportionation Reaction of stable Stibabismuthene via 1,2,3,4-Distibadibismetane Derivative "
    Tokitoh, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 9th International Conference on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-9), Saarbrcken, Germany (**), international
    2000, 7.23-28. (**)

  148.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of the First Stable Bismuth Antimony Double-bond Compound"
    Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    The 8th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2000, 7.11-15. (**)

Oral & Poster

2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003    2002    2001
   2000    1999    1998    1997

  1.     [poster]
    藤森詩織; 水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長田浩一
    第62回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2015, 9.7.-9. (9.8.)

  2.     [oral]
    長田浩一; 吾郷友宏; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長田浩一
    第62回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2015, 9.7.-9. (9.8.)

  3.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of 1,2-Digermacyclobutene Derivatives and Their Reactions with Ethylene"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugahara, T.; Agou, T.; Sugamata, K.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.30.)

  4.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Structure of a Stable 1,2-Digermabenzene"
    Sugahara, T.; Sasamori, T.; Agou, T.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sugahara
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.27.)

  5.     [poster]
    "Reactions of a Barrelene-type Dialumane Bearing Bulky Aryl Substituents with Lewis Bases"
    Nagata, K.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Nagata
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.27.)

  6.     [oral]
    "Reactivities of a Barrelene-type Dialumane as a Equivalent of an Al=Al Doubly-bonded Species "
    Agou, T.; Nagata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Agou
    The 14th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-14), Regensburg, Germany (The University of Regensburg), international
    2015, 7.26.-31. (7.27.)

  7.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    文部科学省科学研究費新学術領域研究 元素ブロック高分子材料の創出 第六回公開シンポジウム, 京都府京都市 (メルパルク京都), domestic
    2015, 7.2. (7.2.)

  8.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Properties of a Dialmane Featuring a Barrelene-type Scaffold"
    Tokitoh, N.; Nagata, K.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.18.)

  9.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Structure of Organo-Telluranyl Dication Having Biphenylene Ligands"
    Sato, S.; Mizukami, M.; Aihoshi, M.; Fukui, T.; Nomura, K.; Sugamata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: S. Sato
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.18.)

  10.     [poster]
    "Complexation of Triphospha[3]radialene as a Transition Metal Ligand"
    Hirano, K.; Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Hirano
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  11.     [poster]
    "Generation of Chlorogermylene and Chlorogermylenoid Bearing a Bulky Ferrocenyl Group"
    Suzuki, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Suzuki
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  12.     [oral]
    "Reactivity of Diaryldigermynes with Alkenes and Alkynes"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugahara, T.; Agou, T.; Sugamata, K.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  13.     [poster]
    "Attempted Synthesis of Silyl-substituted Phosphasilenes"
    Nesterov, V.; Kyri, A.; Heurich, T.; Wasano, T.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N.; Streubel, R. (Kyoto Univ., Bonn Univ.)
    presenter: V. Nesterov
    11th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-11), Caen, France (the historic University of Caen Basse-Normandie), international
    2015, 6.14-19. (6.16.)

  14.     [oral]
    長田浩一; 吾郷友宏; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長田浩一
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  15.     [oral]
    平野晃基; 三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 平野晃基
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  16.     [oral]
    和佐野達也; 吾郷友宏; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 和佐野達也
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  17.     [oral]
    鈴木裕子; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 鈴木裕子
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  18.     [oral]
    藤森詩織; 水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 藤森詩織
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  19.     [oral]
    菅原知紘; 笹森貴裕; 吾郷友宏; 笹森貴裕; Guo, J.-D.; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大福井センター)
    presenter: 菅原知紘
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  20.     [oral]
    和佐野達也; 吾郷友宏; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 和佐野達也
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.27.)

  21.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕; 菅原知紘; 菅又功; 吾郷友宏; Guo, J.-D.; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大福井センター)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.26.)

  22.     [oral]
    江川泰暢; 水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 江川泰暢
    日本化学会第95春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2015, 3.26.-29. (3.26.)

  23. 2014年
  24.     [oral]
    長田浩一; 吾郷友宏; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長田浩一
    第41回有機典型元素化学討論会, 山口県宇部市 (宇部市文化会館), domestic
    2014, 11.27.-29. (11.27.)

  25.     [poster]
    藤森詩織; 水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 藤森詩織
    第18回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 栃木県那須郡 (リゾートホテル ラフォーレ那須), domestic 
    2014, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  26.     [poster]
    鈴木裕子; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 鈴木裕子
    第18回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 栃木県那須郡 (リゾートホテル ラフォーレ那須), domestic 
    2014, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  27.     [poster]
    菅原知紘; 笹森貴裕; 吾郷友宏; 菅又功; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅原知紘
    第18回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 栃木県那須郡 (リゾートホテル ラフォーレ那須), domestic 
    2014, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  28.     [oral]
    平野晃基; 三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 平野晃基
    第25回基礎有機化学討論会(第44回構造有機化学討論会、第64回有機反応化学討論会), 宮城県仙台市 (東北大学川内北キャンパス・萩ホール), domestic
    2014, 9.7-9. (9.8.)

  29.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 金里脩平; 能田直弥; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第61回有機金属化学討論会, 福岡県福岡市 (九州大学病院キャンパス 医学部百年講堂), domestic
    2014, 9.23-25. (9.24.)

  30.     [oral]
    "Reactivities of Stable Diaryldibromodisilenes "
    Sasamori, T.; Agou, T.; Han, J. S.; Hironaka, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 17th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVII), Berlin, Germany (the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), international
    2014, 8.3-8 (8.5)

  31.     [oral]
    Tokitoh, N.; Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    26th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-26), Istanbul, Turkey (ITU SÜLEYMAN DEMİREL CULTURAL CENTER / İSTANBUL), international
    2014, 8.24-29. (8.26)

  32.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Stannabenzenes Stabilized by Bulky Substituents"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Kanesato, S.; Noda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    XXVI International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC 2014), Sapporo, Japan (Royton Sapporo (Hotel)), international
    2014, 6.13-18 (6.15)

  33.     [poster]
    "Syntheses, Structures, and Properties of Stable Alumoles"
    Wasano, T.; Agou, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 4th International Conference on MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis & ICOMC 2014 Pre-symposium in Kyoto "Synthetic Approaches to New Chemical Functions", Uji, Kyoto, Japan ( Uji Obaku Plaza, Uji Campus, Kyoto University), international
    2014, 6.10-11. (6.11)

  34.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Sasamori, T.; Miyake, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    International Symposium on Polymeric Materials Based on Element-Blocks, Uji, Kyoto, Japan (60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology), international
    2014, 5.31. (5.31.)

  35.     [oral, invited, 特別企画講演]
    笹森貴裕; 宮本久; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.30.)

  36.     [oral]
    "Synthetic Studies on Organoselenium-substituted Phosphenium Cations"
    菅又功; Villalba-Franco, J.-M.; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  37.     [poster]
    粟根宏幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 粟根宏幸
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  38.     [poster]
    鈴木裕子; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 鈴木裕子
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  39.     [oral]
    遠藤克; 若宮淳志; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 村田靖次郎 (京大化研・JSTさきがけ)
    presenter: 遠藤克
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.28.)

  40.     [oral]
    一瀬翔; 小林翔; 箕浦真生; 橋爪大輔; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (立教大理・理研創発物性・京大化研)
    presenter: 一瀬翔
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.28.)

  41.     [oral]
    三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三宅秀明
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.28.)

  42.     [oral]
    長崎彩華; 大木靖弘; 時任宣博; 笹森貴裕; 吾郷友宏; 巽和行 (名大院理)
    presenter: 長崎彩華
    日本化学会第94春季年会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2014, 3.27-30. (3.27.)

  43.     [poster]
    "Attempted Synthesis of a Selenium-substituted Phosphenium Cation"
    Sugamata, K.; Villalba-Franco, J.-M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The International Symposium Organized by Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (ICRIS' 14), Uji, Kyoto, Japan (Obaku plaza, Kyoto Univ.), international
    2014, 3.10.-12. (3.10.)

  44.     [poster]
    "Electron Distibution Analysis of Hexaaryltellurium(VI)"
    Minoura, M.; Hashizume, D.; Nagase, S.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Rikkyo Univ., RIKEN, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The International Symposium Organized by Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (ICRIS' 14), Uji, Kyoto, Japan (Obaku plaza, Kyoto Univ.), international
    2014, 3.10.-12. (3.10.)

  45.     [poster]
    "Attempted Synthesis of a Selenium-substituted Phosphenium Cation"
    Sugamata, K.; Villalba-Franco, J.-M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The 3rd International Conference on MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan (Nishijin plaza, Kyushu Univ.), international
    2014, 1.10.-11. (1.10.)

  46. 2013年
  47.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第16回京大有機金属化学若手勉強会, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学化学研究所), domestic
    2013, 12.14. (12.14.)

  48.     [oral]
    菅又功; マヌエル, ビ. フ. ホ.; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    第40回有機典型元素化学討論会, 大阪府大阪市 (近畿大学11月ホール), domestic
    2013, 12.5.-7. (12.5.)

  49.     [oral, invited]
    "Chemistry of Double-bond Compounds between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 1st International Symposium for Young Chemists (2nd International Symposium), Stimuli-responsive Chemical Species for the Creation of Functional Molecules, Tokyo, Japan (TOKO HOTEL), international
    2013, 12.2-3. (12.2)

  50.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 坂上訓康; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第4回統合物質シンポジウム「ダイナミックに機能する統合物質の創製」, 北海道札幌市 (北海道大学創成科学研究棟), domestic
    2013, 10.31-11.1 (10.31.)

  51.     [poster]
    鈴木裕子; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 鈴木裕子
    第17回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 神奈川県足柄下郡 (箱根湯本温泉ホテルおかだ), domestic 
    2013, 10.25-26. (10.25.)

  52.     [oral, invited, ショートトーク]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第17回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 神奈川県足柄下郡 (箱根湯本温泉ホテルおかだ), domestic 
    2013, 10.25-26. (10.25.)

  53.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and NICS(0)πzz Examination of the 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene Dianion"
    Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Wu, J. I.-C.; Schleyer, P. v. R.; Daisuke, H.; Ko, F.; Tokitoha, N. (Kyoto Univ., Univ. of Georgia, RIKEN, Niigata Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyake
    15th International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-15), Taipei, Taiwan (Howard Civil Service International House), international
    2013, 7.28-8.2. (8.1.)

  54.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Study on a Novel [2]Ferrocenophane Bridged by a Digermene Unit"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    14th International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and Lead​ (GTL 2013), Nova Scotia, Canada (Inverary Resort), international
    2013, 7.14-19. (7.16.)

  55.     [oral]
    "Ferrocenyl-substituted Digermene"
    Sasamori, T.; Miyamoto, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    14th International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and Lead​ (GTL 2013), Nova Scotia, Canada (Inverary Resort), international
    2013, 7.14-19. (7.15.)

  56.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 宮本久; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    文部科学省科学研究費新学術領域研究 元素ブロック高分子材料の創出 第二回公開シンポジウム, 東京都目黒区 (東京工業大学・東工大蔵前会館), domestic
    2013, 7.5. (7.5.)

  57.     [oral]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.25.)

  58.     [oral]
    宮本久; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 宮本久
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.25.)

  59.     [oral, invited, 特別企画講演]
    "構造解析上で注意すべき点 (2)―実体験に基づいた問題点と解決法―"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.25.)

  60.     [oral]
    三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 橋爪大輔; 古川貢; 金朋; 永瀬茂 (京大化研・理研基幹研・分子研・京大福井センター)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.24.)

  61.     [oral]
    佐藤総一; 相星光志; 福井隆弘; 菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (首都大院理工・京大化研)
    presenter: 佐藤総一
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.22.)

  62.     [poster]
    粟根宏幸; 山本睦宰; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 粟根宏幸
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.24.)

  63.     [poster]
    三好烈麗; 橋爪大輔; 三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (理研基幹研・京大化研)
    presenter: 橋爪大輔
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.23.)

  64.     [oral]
    坂上訓康; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 坂上訓康
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.23.)

  65.     [oral]
    長崎彩華; 大木靖弘; 時任宣博; 笹森貴裕; 吾郷友宏; 巽和行 (名大院理・名大物質国際研・京大化研)
    presenter: 長崎彩華
    日本化学会第93春季年会, 滋賀県草津市 (立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス), domestic
    2013, 3.22-25. (3.22.)

  66. 2012年
  67.     [poster]
    吾郷友宏; Mayer, U. F. J.; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    第39回有機典型元素化学討論会, 岩手県盛岡市 (いわて県民情報交流センター ), domestic
    2012, 12.6-8. (12.7.)

  68.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Thermal Isomerization of Stable 1,2-Dihydrodisilene"
    Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Sakai, H.; Furukawa, Y.; Guo, J.-D.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (KIST, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Agou
    4th Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Tsukuba International Congress Center), international
    2012, 10.21-24. (10.22.)

  69.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Study on Novel Ferrocenophanes Bridged by a Dimetallene Unit"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyamoto
    4th Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Tsukuba International Congress Center), international
    2012, 10.21-24. (10.22.)

  70.     [poster]
    "Instant Silylene: LiBr-Assisted Generation of a Silylene from a Disilene"
    Han, J. S.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (KIST, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: J. S. Han
    4th Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-4, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan (Tsukuba International Congress Center), international
    2012, 10.21-24. (10.22.)

  71.     [poster]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    第23回基礎有機化学討論会(第42回構造有機化学討論会、第62回有機反応化学討論会), 京都府京都市 (京都テルサ), domestic
    2012, 9.19-21. (9.21.)

  72.     [oral]
    三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三宅秀明
    第23回基礎有機化学討論会(第42回構造有機化学討論会、第62回有機反応化学討論会), 京都府京都市 (京都テルサ), domestic
    2012, 9.19-21. (9.20.)

  73.     [poster]
    坂上訓康; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 坂上訓康
    第59回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学コンベンションセンター), domestic
    2012, 9.13-15. (9.15.)

  74.     [oral]
    宮本久; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 宮本久
    第59回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学コンベンションセンター), domestic
    2012, 9.13-15. (9.13.)

  75.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Properties of 1-Phospha-2-boraacenaphthene"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Wakamiya, A.; Nagura, K.; Irle, S.; Yamaguchi, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Nagoya Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-13), Victoria, Canada (Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa), international
    2012, 7.29-8.2. (7.31)

  76.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of 1,2:3,4-Bis(ferrocene-1,1’-diyl)tetragermetane and its Photochemical Reaction"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyamoto
    The 13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-13), Victoria, Canada (Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa), international
    2012, 7.29-8.2. (7.30)

  77.     [poster]
    "Generation of Tellurenyl Cation Species (RTe+): Structures and Properties of Tellurophenium Salts"
    Sugamata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Sugamata
    The 13th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-13), Victoria, Canada (Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort and Spa), international
    2012, 7.29-8.2. (7.30)

  78.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of a First Stable Bis(ferrocenyl)diphosphene Derivative Bearing Bulky Ferrocenyl Units"
    Sakagami, M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: M. Sakagami
    19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Conference center "De Doelen"), international
    2012, 7.8-12. (7.10.)

  79.     [poster]
    "Reactivity of 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyake
    19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Conference center "De Doelen"), international
    2012, 7.8-12. (7.9.)

  80.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of the First Stable Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Sasamori, T.; Miyake, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    19th International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Conference center "De Doelen"), international
    2012, 7.8-12. (7.9.)

  81.     [poster]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    第3回統合物質シンポジウム「新エネルギーと物質創製」, 福岡県福岡市 (九州大学西新プラザ), domestic
    2012, 6.1-2. (6.1.)

  82.     [oral]
    "高周期15 族元素π電子系を基盤とする新規酸化還元系の構築"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第3回統合物質シンポジウム「新エネルギーと物質創製」, 福岡県福岡市 (九州大学西新プラザ), domestic
    2012, 6.1-2. (6.2.)

  83.     [poster]
    "Chalcogenation Reactions of 1-Phospha-2-boraacenaphthene"
    Tsurusaki, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Tsurusaki
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  84.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Stable 1,2-Dihydrodisilenes and Elucidation of Their Thermal Isomerization Machanism"
    Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Hashizume, D.; Sakai, H.; Furukawa, Y.; Takagi, N.; Guo, J.-D.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Waseda Univ., IMS.)
    presenter: T. Agou
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.22.)

  85.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Stable Bis(ferrocenyl)diphosphene Derivative Bearing Bulky Ferrocenyl Units"
    Sakagami, M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: M. Sakagami
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.22.)

  86.     [poster]
    "Generation of Tellurenyl Cation Species (RTe+) Bearing a Bulky Substituent"
    Sugamata, K.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Suugamata
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  87.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of a Stable 1,2-Bis(ferrocenyl)digermene"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyamoto
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  88.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of 4,5,6-Triphospha[3]radialene"
    Miyake, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Miyake
    10th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Kyoto, Japan (Uji Obaku Plaza), international
    2012, 5.20-5.25 (5.21.)

  89.     [oral]
    三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三宅秀明
    日本化学会第92春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (慶應義塾大学), domestic
    2012, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  90.     [oral]
    "かさ高いフェロセニルユニットを有する安定な1,2-ビス(フェロセニル)ジホスフェン およびジスチベン類縁体の合成研究"
    坂上訓康; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 坂上訓康
    日本化学会第92春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (慶應義塾大学), domestic
    2012, 3.25-28. (3.26.)

  91.     [oral]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    日本化学会第92春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (慶應義塾大学), domestic
    2012, 3.25-28. (3.26.)

  92.     [oral]
    吾郷友宏; 韓準秀; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    日本化学会第92春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (慶應義塾大学), domestic
    2012, 3.25-28. (3.28.)

  93.     [oral]
    宮本久; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 宮本久
    日本化学会第92春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (慶應義塾大学), domestic
    2012, 3.25-28. (3.28.)

  94.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕; 三枝栄子; 佐瀬祥平; 後藤敬; 時任宣博 (京大化研・東工大院理工)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第92春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (慶應義塾大学), domestic
    2012, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  95. 2011年
  96.     [poster]
    三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三宅秀明
    第38回有機典型元素化学討論会, 石川県金沢市 (石川県立音楽堂邦楽ホール), domestic
    2011, 12.7-9. (12.8.)

  97.     [oral]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    第38回有機典型元素化学討論会, 石川県金沢市 (石川県立音楽堂邦楽ホール), domestic
    2011, 12.7-9. (12.8.)

  98.     [poster]
    吾郷友宏; 杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 高木望; Guo, J.-D.; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    第2回統合物質シンポジウム「化学合成力と機能創出」, 愛知県名古屋市 (野依記念物質科学研究館), domestic
    2011, 11.7-8. (11.7.)

  99.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 坂上訓康; 丹羽雅俊; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第2回統合物質シンポジウム「化学合成力と機能創出」, 愛知県名古屋市 (野依記念物質科学研究館), domestic
    2011, 11.7-8. (11.7.)

  100.     [poster]
    宮本久; 湯浅章弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 宮本久
    第15回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 兵庫県神戸市 (シーパル須磨), domestic
    2011, 10.21-22. (10.21.)

  101.     [poster]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 佐瀬祥平; 後藤敬; 時任宣博 (京大化研・東工大院理工)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    第15回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 兵庫県神戸市 (シーパル須磨), domestic
    2011, 10.21-22. (10.21.)

  102.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 韓準秀; 吾郷友宏; 水畑吉行; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第15回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 兵庫県神戸市 (シーパル須磨), domestic
    2011, 10.21-22. (10.21.)

  103.     [oral, invited]
    "New Redox Systems Containing Heavier Main Group Elements"
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    MDF Workshop -Open-shell Organic Molecules -Synthesis and Electronic Structure Freedom, Osaka, Japan (Umeda Sky Buildong), international
    2011, 10.7-8. (10.7.)

  104.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 韓準秀; 高木望; Guo, J.-D.; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第22回基礎有機化学討論会(第41回構造有機化学討論会、第61回有機反応化学討論会), 茨城県つくば市 (つくば国際会議場), domestic
    2011, 9.21-23. (9.22.)

  105.     [poster]
    三宅秀明; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三宅秀明
    第22回基礎有機化学討論会(第41回構造有機化学討論会、第61回有機反応化学討論会), 茨城県つくば市 (つくば国際会議場), domestic
    2011, 9.21-23. (9.21.)

  106.     [poster]
    吾郷友宏; 杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 酒井平祐; 古川行夫; 高木望; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・早大先進理工・分子研)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    第22回基礎有機化学討論会(第41回構造有機化学討論会、第61回有機反応化学討論会), 茨城県つくば市 (つくば国際会議場), domestic
    2011, 9.21-23. (9.21.)

  107.     [oral]
    瀬川泰知; 松浦沙奈枝; ペトル, セ.; 宮本慎平; クリストファー, カ.; ステファン, イ.; 深澤愛子; 山口茂弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 伊丹健一郎 (名大院理・京大化研)
    presenter: 瀬川泰知
    第22回基礎有機化学討論会(第41回構造有機化学討論会、第61回有機反応化学討論会), 茨城県つくば市 (つくば国際会議場), domestic
    2011, 9.21-23. (9.22.)

  108.     [oral]
    坂上訓康; 丹羽雅俊; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 坂上訓康
    第22回基礎有機化学討論会(第41回構造有機化学討論会、第61回有機反応化学討論会), 茨城県つくば市 (つくば国際会議場), domestic
    2011, 9.21-23. (9.22.)

  109.     [poster]
    吾郷友宏; 杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 酒井平祐; 古川行夫; 高木望; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・早大先進理工・分子研)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    第58回有機金属化学討論会, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学豊田講堂), domestic
    2011, 9.7-9 (9.9.)

  110.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Studies of a Stable 1-Fluoro-2-hydrosilene"
    Mieda, E.; Sasamori, T.; Sase, S.; Goto, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    presenter: Mieda, E.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  111.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Stable 1,2-Bis(ferrocenyl)digermene"
    Miyamoto, H.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Miyamoto, H.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.15.)

  112.     [oral]
    "Reactivity of Stable 1,2-Diaryldisilyne"
    Sasamori, T.; Han, J. S.; J.-D., G.; Nagase, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., IMS)
    presenter: Sasamori, T.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  113.     [Invited, oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Kinetically Stabilized 1,2-Diaryl-1,2-dihydrodisilenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Agou, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyoto Univ., IMS)
    presenter: Tokitoh, N.
    Sixteenth International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS-XVI), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), international
    2011, 8.14-18. (8.16.)

  114.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of 1-Phospha-2-boraacenaphthene Bearing Bulky Substituent"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Wakamiya, A.; Yamaguchi, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Nagoya Univ.)
    presenter: Sasamori, T.
    The 1st International Conference on MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis -Advanced Chemical Methodology for Creating Materials - 2010-2016 MEXT Project, Sapporo, Hokkaido (Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido Univ.), international
    2011, 1.24-25. (1.24.)

  115. 2010年
  116.     [oral]
    "Asymmetric synthesis of multi-substituted β-lactams from α-amino acids via memory of chirality using a Cs2CO3/EtOH system"
    Yoshimura, T.; Takuwa, M.; Uyama, M.; Hayashi, K.; Monguchi, D.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N.; Kawabara, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Yoshimura
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Honolulu I), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.15.)

  117.     [oral, invited]
    "New reactivity of a 1,2-diaryldisilyne, the first carbon-substituted disilyne"
    Han, J. S.; Hironaka, K.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.17.)

  118.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and properties of stable 1,2-bis(metallocenyl)dimetallenes as novel d-π electron systems"
    Sasamori, T.; Yuasa, A.; Miyamoto, H.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2010), Honolulu, USA (Hilton Rainbow I), international
    2010, 12.15-20. (12.16.)

  119.     [poster]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 佐瀬祥平; 後藤敬; 時任宣博 (京大化研・東工大院理工)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    第37回有機典型元素化学討論会, 北海道室蘭市 (室蘭市民会館ホール), domestic
    2010, 11.25-27. (11.26.)

  120.     [oral]
    吾郷友宏; 杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大次世代開拓研究ユニット)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    第37回有機典型元素化学討論会, 北海道室蘭市 (室蘭市民会館ホール), domestic
    2010, 11.25-27. (11.25.)

  121.     [poster]
    吾郷友宏; 杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 高木望; 永瀬茂; 酒井平祐; 古川行夫; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大次世代開拓研究ユニット・分子研・早大先進理工)
    presenter: 吾郷友宏
    第14回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 静岡県熱海市 (ニューウェルシティ湯河原), domestic
    2010, 11.19-20. (11.19.)

  122.     [oral, invited, ケイ素化学協会奨励賞 受賞講演]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第14回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 静岡県熱海市 (ニューウェルシティ湯河原), domestic
    2010, 11.19-20. (11.20.)

  123.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 韓準秀; 弘中幸治; 水畑吉行; 高木望; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第57回有機金属化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (中央大学多摩キャンパス), domestic
    2010, 9.16-18. (9.18.)

  124.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第159回化学コロキウム, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2010, 9.15. (9.15.)

  125.     [poster]
    津留崎陽大; 笹森貴裕; 若宮淳志; 山口茂弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第21回基礎有機化学討論会(第40回構造有機化学討論会、第60回有機反応化学討論会), 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2010, 9.9-11 (9.11.)

  126.     [oral]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    第21回基礎有機化学討論会(第40回構造有機化学討論会、第60回有機反応化学討論会), 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2010, 9.9-11 (9.10.)

  127.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第42回構造有機若手の会, 京都府京都市 (ホテル本能寺), domestic
    2010, 8.6-8. (8.8.)

  128.     [oral]
    "Attempted Synthesis of Ditelluride Dication Species"
    Sasamori, T.; Suagamata, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    11th International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and Tellurium (ICCST-11), Oulu, Finland (the Conference Center Lasaretti), international
    2010, 8.1-6. (8.3.)

  129.     [oral]
    "Chalcogenation of 1,2-Bis(Ferrocenyl)Disilene: the First Isolation of 1,2,3,4-Dithiadisiletane"
    Tokitoh, N.; Yuasa, A.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    24th International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-24), Firenze, Italy (Polo Scienze Sociali), international
    2010, 7.25-30. (7.27)

  130.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  131.     [oral]
    丹羽雅俊; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 丹羽雅俊
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  132.     [oral]
    丹羽雅俊; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 丹羽雅俊
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  133.     [oral]
    松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本晃幸
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.28.)

  134.     [oral, invited, 日本化学会進歩賞 受賞講演]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  135.     [oral]
    木村毅; 岩間貴士; 生魚利治; 鈴木映一; 福田貴光; 小林長夫; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (岩手大地連センター・岩手大工・東北大院理・京大化研)
    presenter: 木村毅
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  136.     [oral]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  137.     [oral]
    宮本久; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 宮本久
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.28.)

  138.     [oral]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 佐瀬祥平; 後藤敬; 時任宣博 (京大化研・東工大院理)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  139.     [oral]
    谷藤一樹; 山田昇広; 田嶋智之; 大木靖弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 巽和行 (名大院理・名大物質国際研・京大化研)
    presenter: 谷藤一樹
    日本化学会第90春季年会, 大阪府東大阪市 (近畿大学), domestic
    2010, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  140.     [oral, invited]
    "高周期14族元素間多重結合の化学 ~重いアルケン、アセチレン~"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    静岡大学サイエンス月間 気鋭若手研究者によるワークショップ「元素は踊る! 錯体化学と有機元素化学のニューフロンティア」, 静岡県静岡市 (静岡大学理学部), domestic
    2010, 3.15. (3.15.)

  141. 2009年
  142.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of 9-Anthryldiphosphene"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 12th Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry (KISPOC-12), Fukuoka, Japan (Kyushu University), international
    2009, 12.15-18. (12.16.)

  143.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕; 湯浅章弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第36回有機典型元素化学討論会, 鳥取県鳥取市 (とりぎん文化会館), domestic
    2009, 12.10-12. (12.12.)

  144.     [poster]
    菅又功; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 菅又功
    第36回有機典型元素化学討論会, 鳥取県鳥取市 (とりぎん文化会館), domestic
    2009, 12.10-12. (12.11.)

  145.     [oral]
    木村毅; 岩間貴士; 生魚俊治; 福田貴光; 小林長男; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (岩手大地域連携推進セ・東北大院理・京大化研)
    presenter: 木村毅
    第36回有機典型元素化学討論会, 鳥取県鳥取市 (とりぎん文化会館), domestic
    2009, 12.10-12. (12.10.)

  146.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    理学研究流動機構シンポジウム「元素化学の可能性」, 東京都目黒区 (東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス), domestic
    2009, 12.4. (12.4.)

  147.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 長洞記嘉; 湯浅章弘; 金子義和; 丹羽雅俊; 宮本久; 堀亜希美; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第5回物質合成シンポジウム「物質合成化学の新展開」, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学宇治キャンパス「きはだホール」), domestic
    2009, 11.19-20. (11.19.)

  148.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of a Stable 9-Anthryldiphosphene"
    Sasamori, T.; Tsurusaki, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 11th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-11), Kyoto, Japan (Rihga Royal Hotel, Kyoto, JAPAN), international
    2009, 11.9-13 (11.10.)

  149.     [poster]
    宮本久; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 宮本久
    第13回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 佐賀県唐津市 (唐津ロイヤルホテル), domestic
    2009, 10.30-31 (10.30)

  150.     [poster]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    第13回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 佐賀県唐津市 (唐津ロイヤルホテル), domestic
    2009, 10.30-31 (10.30)

  151.     [poster]
    Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Yuasa, A.; Kaneko, Y.; Niwa, M.; Miyamoto, H.; Hori, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 4th International Symposium for Young Elements Chemists: 2009 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan (Kyushu University), international
    2009, 10.28-29. (10.28)

  152.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 湯浅章弘; 細井宜伸; 古川行夫; 時任宣博 (京大化研・早大先進理工)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第20回基礎有機化学討論会(第39回構造有機化学討論会、第59回有機反応化学討論会), 群馬県桐生市 (群馬大学), domestic
    2009, 9.28-30. (9.30.)

  153.     [poster]
    丹羽雅俊; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 丹羽雅俊
    第20回基礎有機化学討論会(第39回構造有機化学討論会、第59回有機反応化学討論会), 群馬県桐生市 (群馬大学), domestic
    2009, 9.28-30. (9.29.)

  154.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Novel Rhodium Complexes Bearing a Schiff‐base Type N, P‐Chelating Ligands"
    Sasamori, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    12th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-12), Goa, India (Holiday Inn Resort, Goa), international
    2009, 8.16-21. (8.19.)

  155.     [poster]
    松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本晃幸
    第56回有機金属化学討論会, 京都府京都市 (同志社大学今出川キャンパス), domestic
    2009, 9.9.-11. (9.10.)

  156.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Novel d-π Electron Systems Containing Heavier Main Group Elements "
    Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Yuasa, A.; Kaneko, Y.; Niwa, M.; Miyamoto, H.; Hori, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 3rd International Symposium on Synergy of Elements, Sapporo, Japan (Hokkaido University Conference Hall), international
    2009, 8.29. (8.29.)

  157.     [poster]
    "Syntheses and Properties of Novel Rhodium Complexes with Monovalent Bidentate Ligands Bearing (a) Low-coordinated Phosphorus Atom(s)"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.-7.3.)

  158.     [poster]
    "Studies on the Synthesis of 1,2-Diarylsilyne Bearing a Bulky Substituent"
    Mieda, E.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: E. Mieda
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.-7.3.)

  159.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of an Overcrowded 9-Anthryldiphosphene"
    Tsurusaki, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Tsurusaki
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.-7.3.)

  160.     [oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of 1,2-Bis(metallocenyl)disilenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Yuasa, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.4.)

  161.     [oral]
    "Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivities of Stable Carbon-substituted Disilyne and Digermyne Derivatives"
    Tokitoh, N.; Hironaka, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    9th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-9), Oviedo, Spain (the Principado de Asturias), international
    2009, 6.30-7.4. (7.1.)

  162.     [poster]
    丹羽雅俊; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 丹羽雅俊
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  163.     [poster]
    山本宰睦; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 山本宰睦
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  164.     [poster]
    金子義和; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 金子義和
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  165.     [poster]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.28.)

  166.     [oral]
    河井昌裕; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 河井昌裕
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.28.)

  167.     [oral]
    湯浅章弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.27.)

  168.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  169.     [oral]
    松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本晃幸
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  170.     [oral]
    湯浅章弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    日本化学会第89春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2009, 3.27-30. (3.28.)

  171.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    有機金属若手研究者の会, 東京都新宿区 (東京理科大学), domestic
    2009, 3.26. (3.26.)

  172.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 長洞記嘉; 湯浅章弘; 堀亜希美; 金子義和; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第4回物質合成シンポジウム「合成化学とナノ科学の接点」, 愛知県名古屋市 (名古屋大学), domestic
    2009, 1.23-24. (1.23.)

  173. 2008年
  174.     [poster]
    "Design and Syntheses of a Novel Iminophosphido Ligand and Its Complexation Reaction"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    10th KAIST-KYOTO Chemistry Symposium (First KAIST-KYOTO-TSING HUA Chemistry Symposium), Daejeon, Korea (**), international
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  175.     [poster]
    山本宰睦; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 山本宰睦
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  176.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 弘中幸治; 杉山佑介; 高木望; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  177.     [poster]
    西塚真二; 山根健太郎; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 西塚真二
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  178.     [poster]
    盛田真仁; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 盛田真仁
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  179.     [poster]
    高野勝己; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 高野勝己
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  180.     [poster]
    "1-(8-GC10H6)ZZ(C10H6G-8')-1' (G = H, Halogens, Z'R; Z, Z' = S, Se)におけるG2Z2 4c-6eの関与する電子スペクトル"
    中筋千晴; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 中筋千晴
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.11.)

  181.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    第35回有機典型元素化学討論会, 東京都八王子市 (首都大学東京), domestic
    2008, 12.11-13. (12.12.)

  182.     [oral]
    大倉龍起; 大泉一也; 山田明義; 田中千尋; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 平井伸博 (京大院農・食生科、信大農・応生科、京大院農・地環科、京大化研)
    presenter: 大倉龍起
    第52回香料・テルペンおよび精油化学に関する討論会, 群馬県邑楽郡板倉町 (東洋大学), domestic
    2008, 10.25-27. (10.25.)

  183.     [poster]
    金子義和; 堀亜希美; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 金子義和
    第19回基礎有機化学討論会(第38回構造有機化学討論会、第58回有機反応化学討論会), 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2008, 10.3-5. (10.5.)

  184.     [oral]
    林一広; 吉村智之; 椿一典; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 川端猛夫 (京大化研)
    presenter: 林一広
    第19回基礎有機化学討論会(第38回構造有機化学討論会、第58回有機反応化学討論会), 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2008, 10.3-5. (10.5.)

  185.     [oral]
    山根健太郎; 西塚真二; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 山根健太郎
    第19回基礎有機化学討論会(第38回構造有機化学討論会、第58回有機反応化学討論会), 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2008, 10.3-5. (10.5.)

  186.     [oral]
    松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本晃幸
    第19回基礎有機化学討論会(第38回構造有機化学討論会、第58回有機反応化学討論会), 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2008, 10.3-5. (10.3.)

  187.     [poster]
    湯浅章弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    第55回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府堺市 (大阪府立大学), domestic
    2008, 9.28-30. (9.30.)

  188.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of 1,2-Bis(metallocenyl)disilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Yuasa, A.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    第5回集積型合成国際シンポジウム(ISIS-5), Kobe, Hyogo (Maiko Villa), international
    2008, 9.5-6. (9.6.)

  189.     [poster]
    "4,5-Bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)-1,2,3-triazole: A Cross-Linking Ligand Forming Multinuclear Metal Complexes by Nitrogen Donors"
    Mukai, H.; Maruyama, Y.; Minami, A.; Sohrin, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Mukai
    2008, 8.24-28. (8.25.)

  190.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    愛媛大学 応用化学セミナー, 愛媛県松山市 (愛媛大学), domestic
    2008, 8.1. (8.1.)

  191.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Transition-metal Complexes with a Novel β-Ketophosphenato Ligand"
    Sasamori, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    23rd International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC2008), Rennes, France (Rennes Univ.), international
    2008, 7.13-18. (7.17.)

  192.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第43回有機反応若手の会, 大阪府堺市 (ホテルサンルート堺), domestic
    2008, 7.9-11. (7.9.)

  193.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and properties of stable 2-metallanaphthalenes of heavier group 14 elements"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Nagahora, N.; Watanabe, Y.; Furukawa, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ., Waseda Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    Dalton Discussion 11: The Renaissance of Main Group Chemistry, Berkeley, USA (**), international
    2008, 6.23-25. (6.24.)

  194.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    グローバルCOE「統合物質科学」平成19 年度報告会, 京都府京都市 (京都大学桂), domestic
    2008, 6.6. (6.6.)

  195.     [poster]
    "Structure, Properties, and Reactivities of The First Stable 1,2-Bis(ferrocenyl)disilene"
    Yuasa, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Yuasa
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.3.)

  196.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Characterization of 1-Hydrosilene"
    Ozaki, S.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: S. Ozaki
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.3.)

  197.     [oral, invited]
    "Redox Behavior and Coordination Chemistry of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatics and Related Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.2.)

  198.     [oral]
    Sasamori, T.; Hironaka, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    15th International Symposium on Orgaosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XV), Jeju, Korea (Haevichi Hotel & Resort), international
    2008, 6.1-6. (6.2.)

  199.     [oral]
    竹内康作; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 竹内康作
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.29.)

  200.     [oral]
    松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本晃幸
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  201.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  202.     [oral]
    山本宰睦; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 山本宰睦
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  203.     [oral]
    "8-G-1-(アリールエチニルセラニル)ナフタレンの微細構造決定因子としてのnp(G)---σ*(Se-Csp) 3c-4e相互作用の役割"
    山根健太郎; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 山根健太郎
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  204.     [oral]
    金子義和; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 金子義和
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.27.)

  205.     [oral]
    堀亜希美; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 堀亜希美
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.27.)

  206.     [oral]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大生存基盤)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.27.)

  207.     [oral]
    弘中幸治; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 弘中幸治
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  208.     [oral]
    松本剛; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本剛
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  209.     [oral]
    河井昌裕; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 河井昌裕
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.28.)

  210.     [oral]
    湯浅章弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.27.)

  211.     [oral]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第88春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    2008, 3.26-30. (3.26.)

  212.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    近畿化学協会 ヘテロ原子部会平成19年度第3回懇話会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪科学技術センター), domestic
    2008, 2.12. (2.12.)

  213.     [poster]
    "Reactions of the First Stable 1,1´-Bis[(E)-diphosphenyl]ferrocene with Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    “International Center for Integrated Research and Advanced Education in Materials Science” The 9th Youngnam-Kinki Joint Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2008, 1.25. (1.25.)

  214. 2007年
  215.     [poster]
    竹内康作; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大生存基盤)
    presenter: 竹内康作
    第34回有機典型元素化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2007, 12.13-15. (**)

  216.     [poster]
    堀亜希美; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大生存基盤)
    presenter: 堀亜希美
    第34回有機典型元素化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2007, 12.13-15. (**)

  217.     [oral]
    山根健太郎; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和大シス工・京大化研)
    presenter: 山根健太郎
    第34回有機典型元素化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2007, 12.13-15. (**)

  218.     [oral]
    "新規なβ-ケトホスフェナト配位子を有する9 族金属錯体の合成とその性質"
    松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本晃幸
    第34回有機典型元素化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2007, 12.13-15. (**)

  219.     [oral, invited]
    "Chemistry of Low-coordinated Species of Heavier Group 15 Elements "
    Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2007 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Saitama, Japan (RIKEN), international
    2007, 11.8-9. (11.9.)

  220.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Stable Dibromodisilene, Dihydrodisilene, and 1-Hydrosilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Ozaki, S.; Hironaka, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    第一回アジアケイ素化学会議(1st Asian Silicon Symposium, ASiS-1), Sendai, Miyagi, Japan (Hotel Zao-Heights, Zao Town, Miyagi ), international
    2007, 11.1-3. (11.1.)

  221.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 松田一成; 金光義彦; 渡辺恭彰; 細井宜伸; 古川行夫; 時任宣博 (京大化研・京大生存基盤・早大理工)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    第37回構造有機化学討論会, 北海道札幌市 (北海道大学), domestic
    2007, 10.27-29. (10.28.)

  222.     [oral]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    第54回有機金属化学討論会, 広島県東広島市 (広島大学), domestic
    2007, 10.27-28. (10.27.)

  223.     [poster]
    湯浅章弘; 小林恵; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    第54回有機金属化学討論会, 広島県東広島市 (広島大学), domestic
    2007, 10.27-28. (10.27.)

  224.     [poster]
    弘中幸治; 杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 弘中幸治
    第54回有機金属化学討論会, 広島県東広島市 (広島大学), domestic
    2007, 10.27-28. (10.27.)

  225.     [poster]
    河井昌裕; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 河井昌裕
    第57回有機反応討論会, 広島県東広島市 (広島大学), domestic
    2007, 9.29-30. (9.30.)

  226.     [oral, invited]
    武田亘弘; 田邊太郎; 松本晃幸; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (群馬大院工・京大化研)
    presenter: 武田亘弘
    第57回錯体化学討論会 シンポジウムー新しい結合が切り拓く無機金属化学ー, 愛知県名古屋市 (**), domestic
    2007, 9.25-27. (**)

  227.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a New Heterocyclic System: a Diselenadisiletane Bearing Ferrocenyl Units"
    Yuasa, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Yuasa
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  228.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Anthryldiphosphene Derivatives by Taking Advantage of Steric Protection and Their Properties"
    Tsurusaki, A.; Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Tsurusaki
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  229.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Unique Low-coordinated Organo-silicon Compounds: Hydrosilene, Dihydrodisilene and Dibromodisilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Ozaki, S.; Sugiyama, Y.; Hironaka, K.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  230.     [poster]
    "Generation of a 1-Hydrosilene Bearing a Bulky Substituent and Its Unique [6+6] Dimerization"
    Ozaki, S.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: S. Ozaki
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  231.     [poster]
    "Kinetically Stabilized 1,1´-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocenes"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  232.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Rhodium Complexes Having a Novel β-Ketophosphenato Ligand"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  233.     [poster]
    "Elucidation of the Redox Behavior of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.14.)

  234.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Stable Platinum Complexes Bearing Overcrowded Primary Phosphine Ligands"
    Kawai, M.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: M. Kawai
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.13.)

  235.     [oral]
    "Some Unique Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Metallaaromatic Compounds of Heavier Group 14 Elements"
    Tokitoh, N.; Mizuhata, Y.; Inamura, K.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 8th International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-8) Riverside, USA (**), international
    2007, 8.12-16. (8.13.)

  236.     [poster]
    "Redox Behavior of Kinetically Stabilized Dipnictenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 2nd International Conference on Joint Project of Chemical Synthesis Core Research Institutions, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2007, 8.7. (8.7.)

  237.     [poster]
    "Ligand Exchange Reactions of a Kinetically Stabilized 1,1´-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocene with Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 14th IUPAC Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOC14) Nara, Japan (**), international
    2007, 8.2-6. (**)

  238.     [poster]
    "Redox Behavior of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds"
    Matsumoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Matsumoto
    The 12nd International Symposium on Novel Aromatic Compounds (ISNA-12) Awaji, Hyogo, Japan (**), international
    2007, 7.22-27. (**)

  239.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第40回有機金属若手の会 夏の学校, 茨城県つくば市 (つくばグランドホテル), domestic
    2007, 7.9-11. (**)

  240.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of the First Stable 9-Germaphenanthrene "
    Inamura, K.; Sasamori, T.; Mizuhata, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: K. Inamura
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  241.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Properties of the First Stable 2-Stannanaphthalene"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  242.     [oral, invited, plenary]
    "Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Multiply Bonded Germanium and Tin Compounds"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tajima, T.; Inamura, K.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and lead, ICCOC-GTL-12, Galwar, Ireland (**), international
    2007, 7.9-13. (**)

  243.     [poster]
    "Structures of 1,8-Bis(selanyl)-,1-Selanyl-,8-Seleninyl-, and 1,8-Bis(seleninyl)-naphthalenes in Solid States"
    Hayashi, S.; Furuta, A.; Nakanishi, W.; Potrzebowski, M. J.; Ciesielski, W.; Drabowicz, J.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Wakayama Univ., Polish Academy of Science, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.26.)

  244.     [oral]
    "Selenization and Tellurization Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Dipnictenes"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Tsurusaki, A.; Nagahora, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.23.)

  245.     [oral, invited]
    "Synthesis and Characterization of the First Stable Stannanetellone"
    Tokitoh, N.; Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The Tenth International Conference on the Chemistry of Selenium and tellurium (ICCST-10), Łódź, Poland (the University of Łódź), international
    2007, 6.22-27. (6.27.)

  246.     [oral, invited]
    "高周期15 族元素間二重結合化合物の一電子還元"
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    特定領域研究「元素相乗系化合物の化学」第二回公開シンポジウム, 福岡県福岡市 (九州大学), domestic
    2007, 6.21-22. (6.21.)

  247.     [oral]
    稲村晃司; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 稲村晃司
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  248.     [poster]
    堀亜希美; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 堀亜希美
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  249.     [poster]
    湯浅章弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.25.)

  250.     [poster]
    弘中幸治; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 弘中幸治
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.25.)

  251.     [oral]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.25.)

  252.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  253.     [oral]
    松本剛; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本剛
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  254.     [oral]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.27.)

  255.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    日本化学会第87春季年会, 大阪府吹田市 (関西大学), domestic
    2007, 3.25-28. (3.26.)

  256.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    21世紀COEプログラム京都大学化学連携研究教育拠点-新しい物質変換化学の基盤構築と展開-最終年度 報告会, 京都府京都市 (京都大学), domestic
    2007, 2.22. (2.22.)

  257.     [poster]
    水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    大学間連携事業第2回物質合成シンポジウム「機能性材料を指向した物質合成の化学」, 京都宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2007, 1.15-16. (**)

  258.     [poster]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    大学間連携事業第2回物質合成シンポジウム「機能性材料を指向した物質合成の化学」, 京都宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2007, 1.15-16. (**)

  259.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 三枝栄子; 長洞記嘉; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    大学間連携事業第2回物質合成シンポジウム「機能性材料を指向した物質合成の化学」, 京都宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2007, 1.15-16. (**)

  260. 2006年
  261.     [oral, invited, 京大化研奨励賞 受賞講演]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第106回化学研究所研究発表会, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2006, 12.15. (12.15.)

  262.     [poster]
    津留崎陽大; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 松田一成; 金光義彦 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    第33回有機典型元素化学討論会(旧へテロ原子化学討論会), 福岡県福岡市 (福岡大学), domestic
    2006, 12.7-9. (**)

  263.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第33回有機典型元素化学討論会(旧へテロ原子化学討論会), 福岡県福岡市 (福岡大学), domestic
    2006, 12.7-9. (**)

  264.     [poster]
    "Application of a Kinetically Stabilized 1,1´-(E,E)-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocene as a Bidentate Ligand toward Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    2006 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto Univ.), international
    2006, 12.1-2. (12.1.)

  265.     [poster]
    "Syntheses of 2-Germa- and 2-Stannanaphthalene–chromium Complexes and Their Properties"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    2006 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto Univ.), international
    2006, 12.1-2. (12.1.)

  266.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of a Kinetically Stabilized Digermyne"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2006 Workshop on Organometallic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto Univ.), international
    2006, 12.1-2. (12.1.)

  267.     [poster]
    "Reactions of a Kinetically Stabilized 1,1’-Bis(diphosphenyl)ferrocene with Group 6 Metals"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 10th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2006, 11.13-17. (**)

  268.     [poster]
    "Systematic Elucidation of the Properties of 2-Metallanaphthalene Systems of Heavier Group 14 Elements (Si, Ge, and Sn)"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    The 10th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2006, 11.13-17. (**)

  269.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Reactions of A Kinetically Stabilized Digermyne"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 10th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2006, 11.13-17. (**)

  270.     [poster]
    湯浅章弘; 小林恵; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 湯浅章弘
    第11回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 群馬県桐生市 (桐生市市民文化会館・桐生国際ホテル), domestic
    2006, 11.10-11. (11.10.)

  271.     [poster]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    第11回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 群馬県桐生市 (桐生市市民文化会館・桐生国際ホテル), domestic
    2006, 11.10-11. (11.10.)

  272.     [poster]
    "安定な2-ゲルマおよび2-スタンナナフタレン−6 族遷移金属錯体の合成とその熱異性化反応"
    水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第11回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 群馬県桐生市 (桐生市市民文化会館・桐生国際ホテル), domestic
    2006, 11.10-11. (11.10.)

  273.     [poster]
    松本剛; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本剛
    第11回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 群馬県桐生市 (桐生市市民文化会館・桐生国際ホテル), domestic
    2006, 11.10-11. (11.10.)

  274.     [poster]
    "安定なη6-9-ゲルマフェナントレン-Cr(CO)3 錯体の合成・構造・反応"
    稲村晃司; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 稲村晃司
    第11回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 群馬県桐生市 (桐生市市民文化会館・桐生国際ホテル), domestic
    2006, 11.10-11. (11.10.)

  275.     [poster]
    稲村晃司; 星野渉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 稲村晃司
    第18回基礎有機化学連合討論会(第36回構造有機化学討論会第56回有機反応化学討論会), 福岡県福岡市 (九州産業大学), domestic
    2006, 10.7-9. (**)

  276.     [oral]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    第18回基礎有機化学連合討論会(第36回構造有機化学討論会第56回有機反応化学討論会), 福岡県福岡市 (九州産業大学), domestic
    2006, 10.7-9. (**)

  277.     [poster]
    松本剛; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本剛
    第53回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪市立大学), domestic
    2006, 9.8-9. (9.8.)

  278.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕; 杉山佑介; 尾崎修平; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第53回有機金属化学討論会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪市立大学), domestic
    2006, 9.8-9. (9.8.)

  279.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Hydrosilene and Dihydrodisilene"
    Sasamori, T.; Sugiyama, Y.; Ozaki, S.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2nd International symposium of core-to-core program on Main Group Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo Univ.), international
    2006, 8.26-28. (**)

  280.     [oral, invited]
    "Syntheses and Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Novel Tin-carbon Double-bond Compounds"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2nd International symposium of core-to-core program on Main Group Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo Univ.), international
    2006, 8.26-28. (**)

  281.     [poster]
    Nagahora, N.; Tsurusaki, A.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  282.     [poster]
    Tajima, T.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  283.     [poster]
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  284.     [oral]
    "AIM ANALYSIS OF EXTENDED HYPERVALENT C2Z2O 5c–6e IN 1,8-(MeZ)2C14H6O2 AND 9-MeO-1,8-(MeZ)2C14H7 (Z = Se, S, O)"
    Nakanishi, W.; Hayashi, S.; Nakamoto, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Wakayama Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: W. Nakanishi
    22nd International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-22), Saitama, Japan (**), international
    2006, 8.20-25. (**)

  285.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Neutral Stannaaromatic Compounds"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    The 11th International Symposium on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRISXI), Oulu, Finland (**), international
    2006, 7.30.-8.4. (**)

  286.     [oral, invited]
    "Recent progress in the chemistry of kinetically stabilized disilenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    ACS Central Regional Meeting and 39th Silicon Symposium, Michigan, USA (**), international
    2006, 5.16-20. (**)

  287.     [oral]
    田嶋智之; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.27.)

  288.     [oral]
    津留崎陽大; 長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 津留崎陽大
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.27.)

  289.     [oral]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.27.)

  290.     [oral]
    稲村晃司; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 稲村晃司
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.30.)

  291.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 古川行夫 (京大化研・早大理工)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  292.     [oral]
    松本剛; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本剛
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  293.     [oral]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博; 古川行夫 (京大化研・早大理工)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  294.     [oral]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    日本化学会第86春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2006, 3.27-30. (3.29.)

  295. 2005年
  296.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and structure of a stable 1,3-dihydro-2-ferrocenyltriphosphane and its thermal decomposition giving a ferrocenyl diphosphene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  297.     [oral, invited]
    "New aspects in the chemistry of kinetically stabilized dipnictenes"
    Tokitoh, N.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Takagi, N.; Nagase, S. (Kyoto Univ., IMS.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  298.     [poster]
    "Kinetically stabilized tintellurium doublebond compound: Synthesis, structure and reactivities"
    Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  299.     [poster]
    "Extended hypervalent C-Z---O---Z-C (Z = O, S and Se) 5c-6e bonds in anthraquinone system: Structural, spectroscopic and theoretical investigations"
    Nakamoto, T.; Hayashi, S.; Nakanishi, W.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Wakayama Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Nakamoto
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  300.     [oral]
    "Reactions of kinetically stabilized doubly-bonded systems between heavier group 15 elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2005 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2005), Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2005, 12.15-20. (**)

  301.     [poster]
    小林恵; 笹森貴裕; 長洞記嘉; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第32回 ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 茨城県つくば市 (つくば国際会議場), domestic
    2005, 12.4-6. (**)

  302.     [poster]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  303.     [poster]
    小林恵; 笹森貴裕; 長洞記嘉; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 小林恵
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  304.     [poster]
    稲村晃司; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 稲村晃司
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  305.     [poster]
    田嶋智之; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  306.     [poster]
    松本剛; 篠原朗大; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 松本剛
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  307.     [poster]
    水畑吉行; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  308.     [poster]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 広島県佐伯郡 (安芸グランドホテル), domestic
    2005, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  309.     [oral]
    田嶋智之; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    第35回複素環化学討論会, 大阪府吹田市 (**), domestic
    2005, 10.26-28. (**)

  310.     [oral]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    第55回有機反応化学討論会, 新潟県新潟市 (新潟市民プラザ), domestic
    2005, 9.21-23. (9.22.)

  311.     [poster]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    第55回有機反応化学討論会, 新潟県新潟市 (新潟市民プラザ), domestic
    2005, 9.21-23. (9.22.)

  312.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第52回有機金属化学討論会, 京都府京田辺市 (同志社大学), domestic
    2005, 9.15-16. (9.16.)

  313.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of an Overcrowded 1,3-Dihydrotriphosphane and Its Thermolysis Leading to the Formation of the Corresponding Diphophene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 11th Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan (**), international
    2005, 9.12-15. (**)

  314.     [poster]
    "速度論的に安定化された高周期15 族元素間二重結合化合物のアニオンラジカル種の合成と構造"
    笹森貴裕; 三枝栄子; 長洞記嘉; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第35回構造有機化学討論会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪市立大学), domestic
    2005, 9.9-10. (9.10.)

  315.     [oral]
    "アントラキノン骨格における C-Z---O---Z-C (Z = O,S, and Se) 5c-6e 結合の AIM解析:カニ型電子密度分布の詳解"
    中本貴士; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和大シス工・京大化研)
    presenter: 中本貴士
    第35回構造有機化学討論会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪市立大学), domestic
    2005, 9.9-10. (9.10.)

  316.     [oral]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 高木望; 永瀬茂; 時任宣博 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    第35回構造有機化学討論会, 大阪府大阪市 (大阪市立大学), domestic
    2005, 9.9-10. (9.9.)

  317.     [oral]
    "Generation of a Borylsilyl Anion, a Novel Boron-Containing Organosilicon Compound"
    Takeda, N.; Kajiwara, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XIV), Würzburg, Germany (**), international
    2005, 7.31.-8.5. (**)

  318.     [oral, invited]
    "Some Unique Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Compounds with Haloalkanes and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    14th International Symposium on Organosilicon Chemistry (ISOS XIV), Würzburg, Germany (**), international
    2005, 7.31.-8.5. (**)

  319.     [oral]
    田嶋智之; 幡野健; 佐々木貴代; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 吉田健; 中原勝; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  320.     [oral]
    河井昌裕; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 河井昌裕
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  321.     [oral]
    濱木裕史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 濱木裕史
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  322.     [oral]
    清水大助; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 清水大助
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.28.)

  323.     [oral]
    田邊太郎; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田邊太郎
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  324.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  325.     [oral]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  326.     [oral]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  327.     [oral]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  328.     [oral]
    星野渉; 中田憲男; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 星野渉
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  329.     [oral]
    梶原隆史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 梶原隆史
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  330.     [oral]
    篠原朗大; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 篠原朗大
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  331.     [oral]
    田嶋智之; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.28.)

  332.     [oral]
    小林恵; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 小林恵
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.28.)

  333.     [oral]
    上垣内学; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 上垣内学
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  334.     [oral]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  335.     [oral]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    日本化学会第85春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    2005, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  336.     [oral, invited]
    笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    文部科学省ナノテクノロジー総合支援プロジェクト「分子・物質総合合成・解析支援グループ」成果発表会「分子・物質に視点をおいたナノテクノロジー・ナノサイエンスIII」, 愛知県岡崎市 (自然科学研究機構岡崎コンファレンスセンター), domestic
    2005, 3.22-23. (**)

  337.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of 9-Stannnaphenanthrene by Taking Advantage of Steric Protection"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  338.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a Dibromodigermene Derivative Bearing Bulky Substituents and Its Properties"
    Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Sugiyama
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  339.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Pd, Rh, and Ir Complexes Bearing a Novel Bulky Polythioether Ligand"
    Shimizu, D.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: D. Shimizu
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  340.     [poster]
    "Stable Bis(metallacyclopropa)benzenes of Heavier Group 14 Elements"
    Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  341.     [poster]
    "Cycloaddition Reactions of 9-Silaanthracene with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons"
    Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Shinohara
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  342.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Properties of Boron-stabilized Silyl Anions: Experimental and Theoretical Study"
    Kajiwara, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Kajiwara
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  343.     [poster]
    "The First Stable 1,3-Dihydrotriphosphane: Synthesis, Structure, and Thermolysis"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 4th International Symposium of the Kyoto COE Project "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2005, 1.6-7. (**)

  344. 2004年
  345.     [poster]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    第31回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 和歌山県和歌山市 (和歌山市民会館), domestic
    2004, 12.8-10. (**)

  346.     [poster]
    星野渉; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 星野渉
    第31回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 和歌山県和歌山市 (和歌山市民会館), domestic
    2004, 12.8-10. (**)

  347.     [poster]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    第31回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 和歌山県和歌山市 (和歌山市民会館), domestic
    2004, 12.8-10. (**)

  348.     [poster]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第31回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 和歌山県和歌山市 (和歌山市民会館), domestic
    2004, 12.8-10. (**)

  349.     [poster]
    "1-(8-GC10H6)ZZ(C10H6G-8)-1' (G = H, Cl; Z = S, Se)の構造:4c-6eの寄与"
    田口裕士; 新井貴光; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和大シス工・京大化研)
    presenter: 田口裕士
    第31回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 和歌山県和歌山市 (和歌山市民会館), domestic
    2004, 12.8-10. (**)

  350.     [poster]
    上垣内学; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (和大シス工・京大化研)
    presenter: 上垣内学
    第31回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 和歌山県和歌山市 (和歌山市民会館), domestic
    2004, 12.8-10. (**)

  351.     [poster]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  352.     [poster]
    田邊太郎; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田邊太郎
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  353.     [poster]
    田嶋智之; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  354.     [poster]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  355.     [poster]
    篠原朗大; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 篠原朗大
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  356.     [poster]
    尾崎修平; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 尾崎修平
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  357.     [poster]
    小林恵; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 小林恵
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  358.     [poster]
    梶原隆史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 梶原隆史
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  359.     [poster]
    星野渉; 中田憲男; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 星野渉
    第9回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 東京都港区 (ホテルフロラシオン青山), domestic
    2004, 10.28-29. (10.28.)

  360.     [poster]
    清水大助; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 清水大助
    第51回有機金属化学討論会, 東京都豊島区 (学習院大学), domestic
    2004, 10.22-23. (10.23.)

  361.     [oral]
    "高周期14 族元素を含むメタラシクロプロパベンゼン類の合成と性質"
    田嶋智之; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    第51回有機金属化学討論会, 東京都豊島区 (学習院大学), domestic
    2004, 10.22-23. (10.22.)

  362.     [poster]
    梶原隆史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 梶原隆史
    第51回有機金属化学討論会, 東京都豊島区 (学習院大学), domestic
    2004, 10.22-23. (10.22.)

  363.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕; 三枝栄子; 長洞記嘉; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博; 高木望; 永瀬茂 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第17回基礎有機化学討論会, 宮城県仙台市 (**), domestic
    2004, 9.23-25. (9.25.)

  364.     [poster]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    第17回基礎有機化学討論会, 宮城県仙台市 (**), domestic
    2004, 9.23-25. (9.25.)

  365.     [poster]
    篠原朗大; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 篠原朗大
    第17回基礎有機化学討論会, 宮城県仙台市 (**), domestic
    2004, 9.23-25. (9.23.)

  366.     [oral]
    濱木裕史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 濱木裕史
    第17回基礎有機化学討論会, 宮城県仙台市 (**), domestic
    2004, 9.23-25. (9.23.)

  367.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Low-valent Titanium Complexes Bearing an Extremely Bulky β-Diketiminato Ligand"
    Hamaki, H.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: H. Hamaki
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  368.     [poster]
    "Generation of 9-Stannaphenanthrene Bearing a Bulky Substituent"
    Mizuhata, Y.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Mizuhata
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  369.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a Novel Polythioether Ligand Bearing Bulky Substituents and It’s Application to the Synthesis of Late Transition Metal Complexes"
    Shimizu, D.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: D. Shimizu
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  370.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of a Dibromodigermene Derivative Utilizing Kinetic Stabilization and Its Properties "
    Sugiyama, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: Y. Sugiyama
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  371.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Reactions of the First Borylsilyl Anion"
    Kajiwara, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Kajiwara
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  372.     [poster]
    "Structure and Reactivity of Kinetically Stabilized Silaaromatic Species"
    Shinohara, A.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: A. Shinohara
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  373.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Redox Properties of a Kinetically Stabilized Ferrocenyl Diphosphene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  374.     [oral]
    "Generation and Reactions of Overcrowded Dimetallastannane Derivatives"
    Tajima, T.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  375.     [oral]
    "Systematic Studies on Properties of Kinetically Stabilized Doubly Bonded Systems of Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Nagahora, N.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2004, 8.20-25. (**)

  376.     [oral]
    "New Aspect in the Chemistry of Metallaaromatics of Heavier Group 14 Elements (含高周期14族元素芳香族化合物の化学の新展開)"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shinohara, A.; Mizuhata, Y.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry (第12回有機金属および配位化学に関する日韓合同シンポジウム), Sendai, Japan (**), international
    2004, 8.3-6. (**)

  377.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of Silylboranes by the Reactions of a Bulky Silylene with Boron Compounds and Their Application to the Synthesis of a Borylsilyl Anion"
    Takeda, N.; Kajiwara, T.; Sasamori, T.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates & Unusual Molecules, Queensland, Australia (**), international
    2004, 7.17-23. (**)

  378.     [oral]
    "Synthesis of Polythioethers Tethered with Bulky Aryl Groups and Their Complexation with Late-transition Metals"
    Tokitoh, N.; Shimizu, D.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    21st International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS-21), Madrid, Spain (**), international
    2004, 7.4-9. (**)

  379.     [poster]
    "Reactions of an overcrowded Germacyclopropabenzene with Metal Carbonyl Comolexes"
    Tajima, T.; Sasaki, T.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Tajima
    XI International Conference On the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry Of Germanium, Tin and Lead, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA (**), international
    2004, 6.27.-7.2. (**)

  380.     [oral]
    清水大助; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 清水大助
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  381.     [oral]
    "拡張超原子価結合C2Z2(/SUB>O (Z = O, S, Se) 5c-6eの構造:AIMによる検討"
    川端恭子; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 川端恭子
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  382.     [oral]
    "拡張超原子価結合系の構築:ナフタレン1,8-位におけるS2(/SUB>Se2 4c-6eの生成とその構造"
    新井貴光; 田口裕士; 林聡子; 中西和郎; 笹森貴裕 (和歌山大システム工・京大化研)
    presenter: 新井貴光
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  383.     [oral]
    山崎貴之; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 山崎貴之
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  384.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕; 三枝栄子; 長洞記嘉; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博; 高木望; 永瀬茂 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  385.     [oral]
    長洞記嘉; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 長洞記嘉
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  386.     [oral]
    三枝栄子; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 三枝栄子
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.29.)

  387.     [oral]
    篠原朗大; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 篠原朗大
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  388.     [oral]
    濱木裕史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 濱木裕史
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  389.     [oral]
    梶原隆史; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 梶原隆史
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  390.     [oral]
    水畑吉行; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  391.     [oral]
    田嶋智之; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  392.     [oral]
    杉山佑介; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 杉山佑介
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  393.     [oral]
    星野渉; 笹森貴裕; 武田亘弘; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 星野渉
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  394.     [oral]
    篠原朗大; 武田亘弘; 笹森貴裕; 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 篠原朗大
    日本化学会第84春季年会, 兵庫県西宮市 (関西学院大学), domestic
    2004, 3.26-29. (3.26.)

  395.     [oral]
    "The Latest Frontiers of Organoelement Chemistry"
    Tokitoh, N.; Takeda, N.; Sasamori, T. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 3rd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2004, 1.9-10. (**)

  396.     [poster]
    "Studies on Reactivities of Doubly Bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements toward Elemental Chalcogens"
    Sasamori, T.; Mieda, E.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 3rd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2004, 1.9-10. (**)

  397.     [poster]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Novel Ferrocenyl-substituted Diphosphene"
    Nagahora, N.; Sasamori, T.; Takeda, N.; Tokitoh, N. (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Nagahora
    The 3rd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2004, 1.9-10. (**)

  398. 2003年
  399.     [poster]
    山崎貴之, 笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 山崎貴之
    第30回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 富山県富山市 (富山大学), domestic
    2003, 12.11-13. (**)

  400.     [oral]
    田嶋智之, 笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    第30回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 富山県富山市 (富山大学), domestic
    2003, 12.11-13. (**)

  401.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    京都大学化学研究所第103回研究発表会, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2003, 12.5. (12.5.)

  402.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕・山崎貴之・武田亘弘・時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    化学研究所構造有機化学シンポジウム, 京都府宇治市 (京都大学), domestic
    2003, 12.1-2. (**)

  403.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Structures of Kinetically Stabilized Heavier Dipnictenes"
    T. Sasamori, T. Yamasaki, N. Takeda, N. Tokitoh (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 9th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry (IKCOC-9), kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2003, 11.10-14. (**)

  404.     [poster]
    梶原隆史, 武田亘弘, 笹森貴裕, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 梶原隆史
    第8回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 京都府京都市 (ホテル本能寺会館), domestic
    2003, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  405.     [poster]
    田嶋智之, 武田亘弘, 笹森貴裕, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 田嶋智之
    第8回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 京都府京都市 (ホテル本能寺会館), domestic
    2003, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  406.     [poster]
    篠原朗大, 武田亘弘, 笹森貴裕, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 篠原朗大
    第8回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 京都府京都市 (ホテル本能寺会館), domestic
    2003, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  407.     [poster]
    水畑吉行, 武田亘弘, 笹森貴裕, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 水畑吉行
    第8回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 京都府京都市 (ホテル本能寺会館), domestic
    2003, 10.17-18. (10.17.)

  408.     [oral]
    武田亘弘, 長田一人, 笹森貴裕, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 武田亘弘
    第33回構造有機化学討論会, 富山県富山市 (**), domestic
    2003, 10.3-4. (**)

  409.     [poster]
    "Synthetic Study on Boron-Stabilized Silyl Anions Utilizing Novel Functionalized Silylboranes "
    T. Kajiwara, N. Takeda, T. Sasamori, N. Tokitoh (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Kajiwara
    The 10th Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry, Fukuoka, Japan (Kyushu University), international
    2003, 9.30-10.3. (**)

  410.     [oral]
    時任宣博, 篠原朗大, 脇田啓二, 笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 木村将浩, 永瀬茂 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 時任宣博
    第53回有機反応化学討論会, 大分県大分市 (**), domestic
    2003, 9.24-26. (9.24.)

  411.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 脇田啓二, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博, 木村将浩, 永瀬茂 (京大化研・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第83春季年会, 東京都新宿区 (早稲田大学), domestic
    2003, 3.18-21. (3.20.)

  412.     [poster]
    山崎貴之, 笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 山崎貴之
    日本化学会第83春季年会, 東京都新宿区 (早稲田大学), domestic
    2003, 3.18-21. (3.19.)

  413.     [poster]
    "Systematic Studies on Doubly Bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    T. Sasamori, N. Takeda, N. Tokitoh (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The 2nd Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science" “Highly Selective Synthesis and Materials Science”, Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2003, 1.10-11. (**)

  414. 2002年
  415.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    分子科学研究所研究会「高精度大規模理論計算が開く新しい分子科学」, 愛知県岡崎市 (岡崎国立共同研究機構), domestic
    2002, 11.29.-12.1. (11.29.)

  416.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕, 佐々木貴代, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第7回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 神奈川県中郡大磯町 (大磯プリンスホテル), domestic
    2002, 11.25-26. (11.25.)

  417.     [poster]
    "かさ高い置換基を有する高周期15 族元素間二重結合化合物の単体カルコゲン類に対する反応性"
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第16回基礎有機化学連合討論会, 東京都目黒区 (東京大学), domestic
    2002, 10.3-5. (10.3.)

  418.     [oral, invited, BCSJ賞受賞依頼講演]
    笹森貴裕, 新居欣三, 武田亘弘, 岡崎廉治, 古川行夫, 木村将浩, 永瀬茂, 時任宣博 (京大化研・東大院理・早大理工・分子研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第82秋季年会, 大阪府豊中市 (大阪大学), domestic
    2002, 9.25-28. (9.25.)

  419.     [poster]
    "Chalcogenation Reactions of Kinetically Stabilized Doubly-bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    T. Sasamori, N. Takeda, N. Tokitoh (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur XX (ISOCS XX), Arizona, USA (Arizona Univ.), international
    2002, 7.14-22. (**)

  420.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (九大院理・京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第81春季年会, 東京都新宿区 (早稲田大学), domestic
    2002, 3.26-29. (3.27.)

  421. 2001年
  422.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (九大院理・京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第31回構造有機化学討論会, 山口県山口市 (山口大学), domestic
    2001, 10.27-28, (10.27.)

  423.     [oral, invited]
    "A Novel Small-ring Systems Containing a Germanium Atom, Germacyclopropabenzene: Synthesis, Structure, and Its Reactivity"
    N. Tokitoh, T. Sasaki, K. Hatano, T. Sasamori, N. Takeda (Kyoto Univ., Kyushu Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    Kyushu International Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry IX, Fukuoka, Japan (**), international
    2001, 11.27-30. (**)

  424.     [poster]
    "Synthesis and Reactions of the First Stable Phosphabismuthene, a Novel Compound with PhosphorusBismuth Double Bond"
    T. Sasamori, N. Takeda, N. Tokitoh (Kyoto Univ., Kyushu Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    XVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Sendai, Japan (**), international
    2001, 7.29.-8.3. (**)

  425.     [oral]
    "Systematic Studies on Homo- and Heteronuclear Doubly Bonded Compounds of Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    N. Tokitoh, T. Sasamori, N. Takeda, S. Nagase (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    XVth International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry, Sendai, Japan (**), international
    2001, 7.29.-8.3. (**)

  426.     [oral]
    "Synthesis and Structures of the First Stable 1,2-Chalcogenagermetes"
    N. Tokitoh, T. Sasaki, T. Sasamori, N. Takeda (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The sixth International Conferece on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-6), Lodz, Poland (**), international
    2001, 6.22-27. (**)

  427.     [oral]
    "Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivities of the First Stable Metallacyclopropabenzenes"
    N. Tokitoh, T. Sasaki, T. Sasamori, N. Takeda (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 10th Japan-Korea Joint symposium on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry, Tsukuba, Japan (**), international
    2001, 6.19-22. (**)

  428.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (九大院理・京大化研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第79春季年会, 兵庫県神戸市 (甲南大学), domestic
    2001, 3.28-31. (3.31.)

  429.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of Novel Heteronuclear Double Bonded Systems between Heavier Group 15 Elements and Their Properties"
    T. Sasamori, N. Takeda, N. Tokitoh (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    The First Kyoto COE Symposium on "Elements Science", Kyoto, Japan (Kyoto University), international
    2001, 1.26-27. (1.26.)

  430. 2000年
  431.     [poster]
    "A Novel Class of Heteronuclear Doubly Bonded Compounds between Heavier Group 15 Elements"
    T. Sasamori, N. Takeda, N. Tokitoh (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: T. Sasamori
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  432.     [oral, invited]
    "Syntheses and Reactions of Novel Cyclic Polychalcogenides Containing a Heavier Main Group Element"
    N. Takeda, T. Sasamori, N. Tokitoh, Y. Arai, R. Okazaki (Kyoto Univ., The Univ. of Tokyo)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  433.     [oral, invited]
    "Stable Group 15: Group 15 Element Double-bond Compounds Containing Antimony and Bismuth"
    R. Okazaki, T. Sasamori, N. Tokitoh (Japan Womem's Univ., The Univ. of Tolyo, Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: R. Okazaki
    2000 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Honolulu, USA (**), international
    2000, 12.14-19. (**)

  434.     [poster]
    "Novel Disproportionation Reaction of stable Stibabismuthene via 1,2,3,4-Distibadibismetane Derivative "
    N. Tokitoh, T. Sasamori, N. Takeda (Kyushu Univ., Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Tokitoh
    The 9th International Conference on Inorganic Ring Systems (IRIS-9), Saarbrcken, Germany (**), international
    2000, 7.23-28. (**)

  435.     [poster]
    "Synthesis of the First Stable Bismuth Antimony Double-bond Compound"
    N. Takeda, T. Sasamori, N. Tokitoh (Kyoto Univ.)
    presenter: N. Takeda
    The 8th International Kyoto Conference on New Aspects of Organic Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan (**), international
    2000, 7.11-15. (**)

  436.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (九大院理・九大有基研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第78春季年会, 千葉県船橋市 (日本大学), domestic
    2000, 3.28-31. (3.29.)

  437. 1999年
  438.     [oral ]
    笹森貴裕, 武田亘弘, 時任宣博 (九大院理・九大有基研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第26回ヘテロ原子化学討論会, 岐阜県岐阜市 (**), domestic
    1999, 12.8-10. (12.8)

  439.     [oral]
    竹田満洲雄, 石黒淳, 高橋正, 笹森貴裕, 時任宣博, 岡崎廉治 (東邦大・九大院理・九大有基研・日本女子大理)
    presenter: 竹田満洲雄
    第43回放射化学討論会, 茨城県つくば市 (国際会議場), domestic
    1999, 10.13-15. (**)

  440.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 時任宣博, 川島隆幸, 岡崎廉治 (東大院理・九大有基研・日本女子大理)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第76春季年会, 神奈川県横浜市 (神奈川大学), domestic
    1999, 3.28-31. (3.28.)

  441. 1998年
  442.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 時任宣博, 川島隆幸, 岡崎廉治 (東大院理・九大有基研)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第14回基礎有機化学連合討論会, 広島県東広島市 (広島大学), domestic
    1998, 11.21-23. (11.22.)

  443.     [oral]
    笹森貴裕, 時任宣博, 岡崎廉治 (東大院理)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第74春季年会, 京都府京都市 (同志社大学/同志社女子大学), domestic
    1998, 3.27-30. (3.27.)

  444. 1997年
  445.     [poster]
    笹森貴裕, 時任宣博, 岡崎廉治 (東大院理)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    第47回有機反応化学討論会, 岩手県盛岡市 (岩手大学), domestic
    1997, 9.26-27. (9.26.)

  446.     [poster]
    "かさ高い置換基を有するアンチモン一価化学種、スチビニデンの生成と反応 "
    笹森貴裕, 時任宣博, 岡崎廉治 (東大院理)
    presenter: 笹森貴裕
    日本化学会第72春季年会, 東京都豊島区 (立教大学), domestic
    1997, 3.28-31. (3.28.)